Set up my new tank for some Killies I've got coming. I'm going to try sand. Got this black sand at Big Box pet store. Maybe it's not really sand. Just fine grain aquarium gravel. I like the looks of it though. Contrasts well with the driftwood and the plants should look nice when I add them. The filter is running and all the excess oxygen is slowly dissipating. This was a fun way to spend my Friday afternoon.
Thought that meant Malaysian Trumpet Snail. Don't they burrow into the substrate and eat leftover food and decaying plant matter? This new tank is squeaky clean. Everything is new. Nothing for them so might not be a good idea. They don't eat fish eggs laid into plants do they?
OK. Multiple Tank Syndrome. I have it but it's in remission. I think it's in remission. And thank you for that reminder Colin. I actually knew that but forgot. Ixnay on the snails.