look at the pictures. Check out the AKA website. And then put on your sunglasses and look at the fish themselves. Are there any other Killifish nuts on this forum? The forums for Killies is old and gathering cobwebs. What up homies?
Thank you for that link to the live food information. That is valuable info. And , yes , the tank is being set up this week. I hadn't even considered Java Moss. That is an excellent suggestion.A mature pr of fish should produce eggs straight away.
Have you got their tank set up?
Find out what the pH and GH of the tank is that they currently live in and get your water the same so there is less transfer stress.
Have you got Java Moss for them to breed in?
Are you preparing food for them and the babies?
The following link has info on culturing food for baby fish.
Thank you. That helps a lot.All but one makes sense to me
Total hardness is GH. 57.1 mg/l is the same as 57.1 ppm, which converts to 3.2 dH. It is very soft.
Your calcium is the actual level of calcium, rather than hardness measured as if it were calcium (UK water companies often use the unit mg/l calcium for GH, but it is not the same as the actual level of calcium as given in the water quality report)
pH is obvious.
Nitrate is very low, so low it will test as zero with our kits.
I have no idea what sp conductance is