Hi and welcome to the forum
You don't need a canister filter on the small tank. An air operated filter, or internal power filter, or hang on the back (HOB) filter will be heaps. If you get a big tank (3 foot plus), then get a canister or big HOB filter.
If you keep loaches, catfish or eels, then get sand. All other fish can have sand or gravel.
Plants will grow in sand or gravel and aren't fussed.
Some good plants to try include Ambulia, Hygrophila polysperma, H. ruba/ rubra, Elodia (during summer, but don't buy it in winter because it falls apart), Hydrilla, common Amazon sword plant, narrow Vallis, Water Sprite (Ceratopteris thalictroides/ cornuta).
The Water Sprite normally floats on the surface but can also be planted in the substrate. The other plants should be planted in the gravel.
If you add an iron based aquarium plant fertiliser, it will help most aquarium plants do well. The liquid iron based fertilisers tend to be better than the tablet forms, although you can push the tablets under the roots of plants and that works well.
I use Sera Florena liquid plant fertiliser but there are other brands too.
Do not bother adding carbon fertiliser to the tank because they are not necessary.