Poor female guppy

Sam ary

New Member
May 22, 2019
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I woke up the other day and one of my female guppies top fin was gone and then the next 2 days I noticed the tail fin getting a little tathered!!! Well today her tail fin looks really beat up and she's separating herself from the other females and fry thats in the tank and her spirit seems to be down, what should I do?


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Do you have all females or both male and female. She is getting picked on. Either provide more hiding places for her with plants or caves or get her another tank. Your water quality looks pretty poor also. How often do you clean your tank? What are your water parameters?
Something is taking bites out of her tail.
The water is green soup and that can be an indication of lots of nutrients, which make fish sick.

How long has the tank been set up for?
How often do you do water changes and how much do you change?
Do you gravel clean the substrate when you do a water change?
Do you dechlorinate the new water before adding it to the tank?

What is the ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH and GH of the water?
What sort of filter is on the tank?
How often and how do you clean the filter?

What other fish are in the tank?
Have you added anything new in the last 2 weeks?

How long is the tank light on for?
Do you have any live plants in the tank?

Test the water for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH and GH. If you don't have test kits, take out a glass full of tank water and put it to one side. Take it to the pet shop and get them to test it after you do the following. When they test the water, write the results down in numbers and post them here. Ask them what the results are in when they test the GH (eg: dGH or ppm or something else).
If you have test kits then test the water and post results here.

Before taking a water sample to the pet shop, do a 75% water change and gravel clean the substrate. Make sure any new water is free of chlorine/ chloramine before it's added to the tank.
Then do a 75% water change and gravel clean the substrate each day for a couple of weeks.

Clean the filter if it hasn't been done in the last 2 weeks. However, if the filter is less than 6 weeks old, do not clean it. Wash filter materials/ media in a bucket of tank water.
Do you have all females or both male and female. She is getting picked on. Either provide more hiding places for her with plants or caves or get her another tank. Your water quality looks pretty poor also. How often do you clean your tank? What are your water parameters?
She's in with 2 other females and fry to little to sex yet, an algae eater and a pleco and 2 Asian gold clams, I have an algae bloom problem with the water because my tank is near a window on one side and my front door on the other side witch I keep open most of the day during good weather months in Washington state!! I'm working on trying to cut down on the light but I do have a number of live plants in there too!!


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I would suspect it’s the other female guppies. Maybe a few more would take the attention off of her. I had 2 that paired up and she was the lonely gal out. I got a couple more and it did help. Good luck!
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The green water will be feeding the clams.

You can put a semi transparent backing on the tank to reduce the light. It will still allow some light in for the plants but might reduce it enough to stop the algae going nuts.

Adding more plants will help by using the excess light. Floating plants like Water Sprite (Ceratopteris thalictroides/ cornuta) and Duckweed will reduce the nutrients and help with the green water.

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