What disease is this!?!?! And what should I do!?!?!

Mateo Vanegas

Fish Fanatic
Aug 1, 2019
Reaction score
Calvert County MD
My glow light tetras have white spot on than and these little white flaps on there gills, I think it might be ick or gill flukes, or maybe both, please help I just put in some ick guard and I’m think to use general cure also, I know it might be to much for the fish but I think I have no choice.


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It's not white spot or gill flukes.

You should not add medications unless you know what the problem is. All medications harm the fish and mis-use of medications can cause drug resistance in various diseases.

Never use more than 1 medication at a time because you can poison the fish.

The first course of treatment for any sick fish is test the water and do a big (75%) water change and gravel clean the substrate. The water change dilutes nutrients and disease organisms in the tank and buys you some time to work out what is going on.

The fish appears to have bits of fin and tail missing, as well as scales.

What other fish are in the tank?
How long have you had the Glowlight tetras for?

How long has the tank been set up for?
How often do you do water changes and how much do you change?
Do you gravel clean the substrate when you do a water change?

What sort of filter is on the tank?
How often and how do you clean the filter?
What is the ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and pH levels in the tank (in numbers please)?

The following link has information about what to do if your fish get sick. It's long and boring but worth knowing. I recommend printing it out and reading it in bed to help fall asleep.
Otos, Corydoras and ghost shrimp,
2 months
3 months
Every week, but went on vacation this week and did not do one, 25% to 50% when the ammonia reaches 1 ppm
No, I just did a 50% and up water change and cleaned the gravel, I don’t clean the gravel that much because I don’t want to disturb the bacteria (had no good results when cleaning the gravel)
A top fin PF10 hangover the back filter, just got this one because my other one broke, but I did put old pieces of my old filter with my new one and used the same water in the old filter and poured it into my new one
I clean the filter every other time I do a water change, I clean it using the old tank water so I don’t kill the bacteria colonies
No3 is 20
No2 is 0
Ph is 7.5 and 8.0
Carbonate hardness is between 40 and 80
General hardness is 30
Ammonia is 0ppm


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Otos, Corydoras and ghost shrimp,
2 months
3 months
Every week, but went on vacation this week and did not do one, 25% to 50% when the ammonia reaches 1 ppm
No, I just did a 50% and up water change and cleaned the gravel, I don’t clean the gravel that much because I don’t want to disturb the bacteria (had no good results when cleaning the gravel)
A top fin PF10 hangover the back filter, just got this one because my other one broke, but I did put old pieces of my old filter with my new one and used the same water in the old filter and poured it into my new one
I clean the filter every other time I do a water change, I clean it using the old tank water so I don’t kill the bacteria colonies
No3 is 20
No2 is 0
Ph is 7.5 and 8.0
Carbonate hardness is between 40 and 80
General hardness is 30
Ammonia is 0ppm
The white stuff on my fishes hill is white and fuzzy looks like little white hairs
Every week, but went on vacation this week and did not do one, 25% to 50% when the ammonia reaches 1 ppm
How often does the ammonia level go up to 1ppm?
If you have an established biological filter, you should never get any ammonia readings.

I will need to see a clear picture of the gill cover to confirm if it has fungus (white fluffy stuff).
How often does the ammonia level go up to 1ppm?
If you have an established biological filter, you should never get any ammonia readings.

I will need to see a clear picture of the gill cover to confirm if it has fungus (white fluffy stuff).
When I came home it was at 1ppm
How often does the ammonia level go up to 1ppm?
If you have an established biological filter, you should never get any ammonia readings.

I will need to see a clear picture of the gill cover to confirm if it has fungus (white fluffy stuff).


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Corys do best in a group of at least 6 and should really be in a larger tank. It’s really blurry but looks like a fungus to me. I would wait until Colin or somebody else looks at it as I may be wrong.
Corys do best in a group of at least 6 and should really be in a larger tank. It’s really blurry but looks like a fungus to me. I would wait until Colin or somebody else looks at it as I may be wrong.
I really do think it’s a fungal infection, I have general cure, do you think I should use it, 4 of my 7 look like they are infected
It is either fungal or columnaris. Let’s cross our fingers for fungal. Do a big water change and vacuum gravel. Disinfect all your equipments and nets after use. Treat with The General Cure and see how it goes. The gills are really red too. If General Cure doesn’t work then use Kanaplex and Furan-2. Keep us posted. Good luck! NOTE: I meant use API Fungus Cure, not General Cure. I’m sorry.

Updated info: After thinking more and looking closer, and due to the red gills, I would go ahead and treat with the Kanaplex and Furan-2. Why waste time that you may not have? I think you have 2 different things going on at the same time. The Kanaplex and Furan-2 treat bacterial and fungal.
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It is either fungal or columnaris. Let’s cross our fingers for fungal. Do a big water change and vacuum gravel. Disinfect all your equipments and nets after use. Treat with The General Cure and see how it goes. The gills are really red too. If General Cure doesn’t work then use Kanaplex and Furan-2. Keep us posted. Good luck! NOTE: I meant use API Fungus Cure, not General Cure. I’m sorry.

Updated info: After thinking more and looking closer, and due to the red gills, I would go ahead and treat with the Kanaplex and Furan-2. Why waste time that you may not have? I think you have 2 different things going on at the same time. The Kanaplex and Furan-2 treat bacterial and fungal.
I only have access to fungus cure pimafix melafix. What should I use?

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