VOTE NOW...August 2019 Tank of the Month

VOTE NOW for your choice for the tank of the month for August 2019

  • PheonixKingZ

    Votes: 9 13.0%
  • SpeedyTheBetta

    Votes: 25 36.2%
  • Mateo Vanegas

    Votes: 4 5.8%
  • Gardeny

    Votes: 15 21.7%
  • SRbettas

    Votes: 2 2.9%
  • Ol' Timer

    Votes: 9 13.0%
  • lilmich

    Votes: 5 7.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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TFF Contest Czar
Staff member
Global Moderator ⚒️
Tank of the Month 🏆
Sep 23, 2013
Reaction score
Northeastern USA

We have 7 worthy entrants for Fishforums' August's Tank of the Month Contest. View all the tanks and descriptions below and then go to top of page and click on your choice for TOTM

It’s best to view these awesome tanks on a computer screen or a tablet instead of a small phone screen.

Please DO NOT post any comments about specific tanks in this thread...such posts will promptly be deleted. This thread will be cleaned up occasionally for best readability.

Poll will close on August 13 at 1:04 pm. We at thank you for your participation.
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Here is my tank.....

Name: Sprouting Joy


Size: 5 gallons

Lighting: AquaCulture 5 gallon standard LED light.

Filter: AquaCulture 5 gallon Whisper Standard.

Material: Glass

Heater: Tetra 2-10 gallon Automatic Heater

Substrate: Play Sand

Hardscape: Gray Rocks

Plants: Anacharis, Anubias, and I think a Amazon Sword, but I’m not sure! ;)

Extra Equipment: Panty Hose (to go over the filter intake), thermometer, and AquaCulture 5 gallon Black plastic hood.


How long has this tank been setup?: Approximately 3 weeks.

Water parameters:

ph: 7.4

Ammonia: 0ppm

Nitrate: 0ppm

Nitrite: 0ppm


Inhabitants: Cherry Shrimp, Malaysian Trumpet Snails, And Blue Rams Horn Snails.

I feed both the Cherry Shrimp, and the snails Algae Wafers, 1 every other day.

I call this tank “Sprouting Joy”, because it looks like a vast dessert, but it has little plants sprouting here, and there.

This is my tank, and I hope you enjoy! Thank you for looking! :thanks: :)
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- Echinodorus bleheri
- Echinodorus major
- Limnophila sessiliflora
- Ceratopteris thalictroides
- Cryptocoryne wendtii
- Cryptocoryne balansae
- Microsorum pteropus
- Eleocharis parvulus

Fluval Flex Aquarium:
- Capacity: 15 US Gal (57 L)
- Dimensions: 16 x 15 x 15" (41 x 39 x 39 cm)
- Pump Output: 132 US Gal/h (500 L/h)

LED Light:
- LEDs: 48 + 6 RGB
- Wattage: 10.8 W
- Lumens: 2450 lm
- Color Temp.: 7500 K

Light duration per day:
5h on, 4h off, 5h on


Terra preta

1x Speedy the Betta
5x Corydoras
5x Otocinclus
This is my 10 gallon planted tank.


It’s an all glass aquarium with 1 amazon sword to the right, temple compactas in the back, Staurogyne Repens around the rocks and drift wood, and one rosette sword next to the heater, whisper 10 gallon hang over the back filter, 20 led animal planet light, 50w heater with dial. Tank set up is one month old, ammonia levels are 0 ppm, ph is 7.2, I do 25% water changes every weekend, 50% water changes when my ammonia levels rise above 1 ppm. I use prime water conditioner to do my water changes also.

I also have 7 Luffy mineral balls spread around my fish tank (these really do help in water clarity and my fish colors, they are more active and lively after a week of these I my tank)

7 glowlight tetras

2 green Corydoras

3 ghost shrimp

2 Otocinclus

2 granite stone in the middle also (these were found in my back yard in the woods down a hill, I treated them for aquarium use.)

I have organic topsoil substrate under the pebbles,

1 air stone

I feed all my fish once a day, there diet consisting of freeze dried brine shrimp, tetra fish flakes, and live mosquito larvae, for the bottom feeders there diet consists of uneaten food and algae wafers, same as the Otocinclus.
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Heyo! Here's my tank, again!

Tank size: 10 gallons
Filter: Topfin Silenstream 10.
Heating: There's a 50 watt heater, but my room is warm enough so I don't need it.

Fish stocking: x1 Female veiltail betta. Her name is Jeanette Michelle Lucien Corentin Anne Fleur Oceane Lauren Pierre Marie III.
Feeding schedule: I feed two Aqueon betta pellets twice a day, sometimes substituting them with bloodworms.
-Amazon sword
-x3 Marimo moss balls
-Some small Myriophyllum mattogrossense
-Some type of Ludwigia, probably Ludwigia repens? (I'm honestly not sure)
-Hygrophila... probably polysperma?
Decor: A fake "cichlid rock", some rocks and wood I found at the beach. And some nuts.
Substrate: A mix of Caribsea sand (I forgot the name of it specifically, but it's the white sand at the bottom), Seachem Flourite dark and some other gravel which I'm not sure of the brand.

Tank age: About 7 months.
Weekly maintenance: I vacuum the "not flourite" parts of the substrate, wipe the glass of algae and, if the water is looking specifically "not cool and colored", add a cup or two of Rooibos tea.
Hi all new member here this is my tank
Tank size: 25 litres 6.6 US gallons
Filter: tetra in 300 plus
Heater: FishRfun 100 watt submersible thermostat heater

Tank has been set up for around a year

Fish: 1x female betta her name is swallowtail she is a blue betta with lots of character she handfeeds and comes to greet you at the glass
3x Endler guppies all different one typical Endler and the oldest (macaroni) one orange and the smallest (duo) And one metallic with orange and yellow tail (flash)
1x amato shrimp called Romeo

Live plants:
1x Marimo moss ball
1x large lymnophila hetrophylla
1x large Anubias
1x small Anubias

1x coconut hide
1x shell hide
1x silk plant
1x turtle ornament

Substrate: pets at home black gravel (it’s very fine around 1-2mm)

Betta gets Hikari betta bio gold (41% protein) and king British freeze dried bloodworms as a treat
Endlers get aqua care pro colour granules (53% protein) or tetra colour tropical crisps (46% protein)
Amato shrimp gets shrimp king complete (24.6% protein)
My betta also gets some of the endlers food as it is high in protein

Maintenance: weekly 10-25% water change and vacuum any mess and rinse filter in aquarium water. I clean the glass when dirty

Ph: 7.6
KH (Dh): 6
GH (Dh): 14
Nitrate: 25
Nitrite: 0
Ammonia: 0
Here is one of my two 20 gal tanks, it need plants but that can't happen til next payday.


This tank has my two Corydorus Paleatus rescues that just deposited eggs on the white rock on the left, my chore today will be to find a container large enough to take that rock and become a fry tank. That tank also has a school of Buenos Aries Tetras, a Golden Algae Eater, a 4" Rainbow Shark and a 3" young Firemouth Cichlid, (the tank boss). Can't wait to get this tank planted and looking forward to raising some Cory fry.
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Please note: due to the fish's reputation for killing plays and corys, his name is a curse word, so won't be uttered on this forum.

Tank name [name of fish]'s tank.
This was set up on 20th July, and the fish was put in for an in fish cycle on the 21st.

21L "Aqua One Splish and Splash Medium Starter Kit"
Water filter is some waterfall-style thing that came with the tank.
Gravel came with the tank.
The room is heated to 22 degrees, so the tank doesn't require a heater.
Plants: 2x Java fern, 3x oxygenating weed, about 7x Luffy Moss Tufts (1 moss ball teased into little tufts)
Ornaments: small plant thing that came with the tank, skull, orange anename, larger plant thing.

Water conditions: Ammonia 0, Nitrate 0, Nitrite 0.5, pH 7.6, Phosphate 3.

Occupants: 1 Short-finned male Koi Betta, and an unknown quantity of an unknown species of snail that came in on the plants.
END OF ENTRIES.... Slowly scroll up as you review the entries and then cast your vote at the top of this topic. thanks you for your participation.

PS: The Fish of the Month contest starts soon after voting for totm ends. This month will be for Betta Splendens only. So take a good picture of your Betta and be ready to enter the FOTM contest!
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Only 15 people voted so far. We have many hundreds if not thousands of members. There should be many more members voting.

Da boss is not happy. You don’t want to upset da boss now do you.
VOTE NOW! :big_boss:
We dont give monetary awards but the winner gets a neat banner like mine in his profile area and gets his winning tank featured in a winner’s thread for all members to see and to comment on it. And the winner gets bragging rights.
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Da Boss says: Dats better...46 votes and counting...
If youse havent voted yet,..VOTE NOW! :big_boss:

PS: Battle of the Bettas contest starts later tomorrow... get a good pic of your betta ready to enter!
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