My Photography....


Fish Guru
Tank of the Month 🏆
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Fish of the Month 🌟
May 8, 2019
Reaction score
Lawrenceburg, KY
This is just a thread to show my photography to you guys! I hope you enjoy! :)


Butterfly with water droplets on back:

Shrimp and snail being best friends!:

These are all for now, please tell me if you guys like them, and would like to see more! :)
Nic pics! What are using for a camera?
I have an iPad Mini4, so just the camera that came with it. The camera is so weird! First of all, no flash on the Mini iPad 4, secondly, it will only take good pictures if the lighting perfect , do you take pictures @Fishmanic? :)
I only take pics with my iphone 6s plus. It takes pretty good pics for a small sized lens.. I have some old cameras that I display including a 1953 Praktiflex 35mm camera, a 1975 Canon SLR camera, and a 1940 Speed Graphlc camera that had a single glass plate for each picture. The Speed Graphics camera could only take one picture before you had to change the film plate. It was pretty weildy to use it as it weighed over just under 5 pounds and was rather large. The newspapers often used such a camera back in the day as it took great quality pictures. You can see pics of these cameras if you do a google search.
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I did do google it! They look cool! :)

So you have an Apple phone to? The Apple brand in general is pretty good, and the devices take such good pictures. :)

I would like to get a HD camera, like a Cannon camera, but thoses things are up there in cost! $$$ :)
My father was a photographer and used it in his photography studio way back in the 1940s. Here is the camera he used.
I love old stuff in general! :)

I like collecting pretty much anything that can be collected! :lol:
Oh.. I forgot...I have a polaroid instant camera from the 1980s. It used special film which would develop automatically in about a minute. The picture would eject from a slot on the front of the camera. The film cartridge held film to allow for 10 pics.
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View attachment 92786 Oh.. I forgot...I have a polaroid instant camera from the 1980s. It used special film which would develop automatically in about a minute. The picture would eject from a slot on the front of the camera. The film cartridge held film to allow for 10 pics.
I’ve actually got pics of my kids on those cameras.
Here’s a pic of my old Brownie camera that I display on my shelf.
How far we have come with picture we can take dozens of high quality pics in minutes...pick the ones you like and print them out on a home printer or send it off digitally to a pharmacy like cvs and have them mailed back to you or you can pick them up in the store. And now with high quality cameras in smart phones that fit in a pocket, you have your camera with you at all times. Amazing isn't people just take it for granted if they didn't grow up in the 50s through the 80s.
How far we have come with picture we can taken dozens of pics in minutes...pick the ones you like and print them out on a home printer or send it off digitally to a pharmacy like cvs and have them mailed back to you or you can pick them up in store. And now with high quality cameras in smart phones, you have your camera with you at all times. Amazing isnt people just take it for granted if they didnt grow up in the 50s through the 80s.
So true!

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