I did a stupid.

Yeah only one. And he's only been in the tank 3 days... Put in some live plants last night cause I read they can help water quality (when not decaying or in poor health) and this morning I went to feed them and saw it tucked up beside the plants... don't know if the plants made a difference but it was only noticible change I can think of
Could be snail eggs from plants...did you rinse the plants before you put them in the tank?
Did you happen to see the betta make the bubble nest?
Byron is correct. Schooling fish stay together at all times, even changing direction together. Schoaling fish swim independently but stay in close proximation of each other. Isn’t this fun?
The bubbles in question


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Definitely looks like a betta bubble nest. Seems like a good sign as long as your betta looks healthy.
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He seems healthy tho he's been in his castle most of the day today. Also one of the neon zebra danios got stuck to my filter and the one neon Danio I have left sticks with the normal ones, think it would be ok for me to get two tertas for the lonely one? Also are ghost/cherry shrimp needed to be purchased in multiple?
Not sure about the ghost/cherry shrimp, but as long as your water parameters are good and no other fish are sick, it should be fine to add more fish. I definitely recommend having at least 5 tetras. I have 5 neon tetras and I'm looking to build the school up to 12.
I only have a 10 gallon tank I know the general rule of thumb is one inch of fish per one gallon of water if I was to get larger School sizes that would put me at 12 fish. between my filter and live plants that should be enough to keep my water clean enough for the extra fish as long as I do monthly or bi-monthly partial water changes correct?
Yes sorry I didn't realize you had a ten gallon. I think a school of five would be fine in that size tank. You shouldn't overstock your tank; I have a problem right now with my tank because my pleco has outgrown the tank and the water parameters aren't the best right now. You should be able to go maybe one or two fish over but not any more than that. I have a 30 gallon tank so that's why I am shooting for a bigger school. :)
We got a small tank to start out because afraid my gf will lose interest in a month xD

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