Neon Tetra Disease?


Fish Fanatic
May 9, 2011
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Can anyone tell me if this is some sort of disease on my tetra? I want to know if I should remove it asap because my other tetras look healthy. Or how to treat it? Any clues??


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I’ve had a couple do that. I placed them in quarantine where they lived for 4 more months. I tried everything I could think of to treat them. One of the tetras eventually developed necrosis and skin was deteriorating. I ended up euthanizing both of them at that point. I would recommend removing thefish from the tank.
I’ve had a couple do that. I placed them in quarantine where they lived for 4 more months. I tried everything I could think of to treat them. One of the tetras eventually developed necrosis and skin was deteriorating. I ended up euthanizing both of them at that point. I would recommend removing thefish from the tank.

Any ideas what it is or what caused it?

Ugh I've never euthanized a fish before what's the best easiest way?
I use clove oil. Just a few drops in a little dechlorinated water and add the fish. They wiggle for a few seconds then out like a light. Much more humane then freezing them. Some hit them hard on the counter in a bag but I can’t do that. Not sure what causes the problem. I have been told NTD and then I’ve been told no way. I don’t know. You just don’t want your other fish eating it after it dies. He could live a lot longer but just not around other fish. Good luck. I’m sorry this has happened to you. Neon tetras are just not as healthy as they use to be. I still have some but won’t buy anymore. Cardinal tetras are suppose to be immune to NTD but I’ve heard pros and cons on that too. I now have green neons and glow tetras. They seem much healthier than the neons.
Which fish has the issue, the one with the orange line instead of red?
If yes I wouldn't worry too much. As long as the fish is eating well and swimming about it should be fine.

It does not have neon tetra disease and apart from the orange line, she looks fine.
I’m so sorry that you are getting conflicting information. I know how confusing that can be. We all offer advice based in our own experiences and sometimes they are different. I don’t believe previous poster noticed the spot on the body since he only referenced the orange line. If you look at the body there is necrosis beginning where spot is. It will continue to get worse and start sloughing off. Based on my own experience, I really do encourage you to put it in a separate tank or euthanize it. The necrosis only gets worse and will eventually eat away at the body. If you check out some of the past posts on NTD on this forum, you can see pics of the necrosis as it advances. Best of luck!
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