dead rummynose


Fish Fanatic
Oct 29, 2018
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i've recently bought 50 rummynose tetras. one of them died because it got stuck in the net. the next day, i saw a headless rummynose on the surface (which i am sure that the angelfish did) and 2 other dead rummynose without any physical damage (just a little fatter) dead, belly up on the gravel. How do i stop the angels rom eating the rummynose? i can't afford to remove any fish. what might be the cause of the tetras's sudden death?
How long has the tank been set up for?

Have you checked the ammonia, nitrite, nitrate?

How often are you doing water changes and gravel cleans?

How long have you had the rummynose?
When did they start dying (how many days after you got them)?

Did you add any other fish around the time you got the rummynose?

Post some pictures of the fish because they could have a disease and you might lose them all if they do.
How long has the tank been set up for?

Have you checked the ammonia, nitrite, nitrate?

How often are you doing water changes and gravel cleans?

How long have you had the rummynose?
When did they start dying (how many days after you got them)?

Did you add any other fish around the time you got the rummynose?

Post some pictures of the fish because they could have a disease and you might lose them all if they do.
ammonia and nitrite is zero
i do 30% weekly water changes
i've got them on dec 30
i bought and added the rummynose with the juvenile yoyo loach and angelfish, one adult angel, and 6 kuhli loaches
here's an image of the dead body. it's banana shaped and a little bloated losing a few of it's scales. what confuses me is that they're noses are supposed to lose the red hue on them if they're stressed right? but every single day one or two dies. on the day i took this photo, there are 3 dead. they swim in spirals and it looks like a swim bladder disease but i've never seen them like this in the store. i chose from a tank with no dead bodies and they were the biggest rummynose in that store. btw the angels only attack once they're having swim bladder problems


  • Photo on 1-1-19 at 10.14.jpg
    Photo on 1-1-19 at 10.14.jpg
    149.5 KB · Views: 117
Could it possibly be that the tetras were all added at once and it stressed the fish so the ammonia levels were to high?
i have seachem's ammonia alert it reads yellow, itested nitrites 0, i added seachem stability, they were in the bag for at least 8 hours (i bought them at 12 got them back at 3 then no matter how much i asked we head straight home, my mom had to visit a few friends which took less than 5 mins. plus there's the traffic of the philippines) which means that i can't drip acclimate them so i just floated them
i honestly can't spend my new year worrying about fish deaths every day. i spent majority of all my christmas money from those fish. i can't afford to rehome them as my parents will just get mad at me. WHY ARE THEY DYING? ;(
You could contact the shop you bought them from and ask if they will replace the dead fish because you have only had them a couple of days and the fish would have had the disease when you got them. The shop might want to see the bodies so put them in a small plastic bag in the freezer and take them back to the shop if they are willing to replace them. However, I would not add new fish now. I would get a credit for the dead fish and use it after the tank has settled down and no more fish have died.

The fish in the picture appears to have a bacterial infection.
Fish spiralling through the water usually have a protozoan or bacterial infection in their brain.

You need to treat the fish with a broad spectrum fish medication that treats bacteria, fungus and protozoan infections asap. Treat the tank for at least 1 week. Do not add any new fish until everyone in the tank has been good for 4 weeks.

To work out the volume of water in the tank:
measure length x width x height in cm.
divide by 1000.
= volume in litres.
When you measure the height, measure from the top of the substrate to the top of the water level.

There is a calculator/ converter in the "How To Tips" at the top of this page that will let you convert litres to gallons if you need it.

Remove carbon from the filter before treating or it will absorb the medication and stop it working.

Wipe the inside of the glass down, do a 75% water change and complete gravel clean. And clean the filter before treating. Make sure any new water is free of chlorine/ chloramine before it is added to the tank.

Increase surface turbulence/ aeration when using medications because they reduce the dissolved oxygen in the water.
i have seachem's ammonia alert it reads yellow,

How old is the alert tag?

To test if the tag is working hold it over an open bottle of ammonia for a few seconds.
You could contact the shop you bought them from and ask if they will replace the dead fish because you have only had them a couple of days and the fish would have had the disease when you got them. The shop might want to see the bodies so put them in a small plastic bag in the freezer and take them back to the shop if they are willing to replace them. However, I would not add new fish now. I would get a credit for the dead fish and use it after the tank has settled down and no more fish have died.

The fish in the picture appears to have a bacterial infection.
Fish spiralling through the water usually have a protozoan or bacterial infection in their brain.

You need to treat the fish with a broad spectrum fish medication that treats bacteria, fungus and protozoan infections asap. Treat the tank for at least 1 week. Do not add any new fish until everyone in the tank has been good for 4 weeks.

To work out the volume of water in the tank:
measure length x width x height in cm.
divide by 1000.
= volume in litres.
When you measure the height, measure from the top of the substrate to the top of the water level.

There is a calculator/ converter in the "How To Tips" at the top of this page that will let you convert litres to gallons if you need it.

Remove carbon from the filter before treating or it will absorb the medication and stop it working.

Wipe the inside of the glass down, do a 75% water change and complete gravel clean. And clean the filter before treating. Make sure any new water is free of chlorine/ chloramine before it is added to the tank.

Increase surface turbulence/ aeration when using medications because they reduce the dissolved oxygen in the water.
do i have to do this in my personal tank? will it in any way harm my other fish (whiptail, angel, silvertips, cories, loaches)?
You could contact the shop you bought them from and ask if they will replace the dead fish because you have only had them a couple of days and the fish would have had the disease when you got them. The shop might want to see the bodies so put them in a small plastic bag in the freezer and take them back to the shop if they are willing to replace them. However, I would not add new fish now. I would get a credit for the dead fish and use it after the tank has settled down and no more fish have died.

The fish in the picture appears to have a bacterial infection.
Fish spiralling through the water usually have a protozoan or bacterial infection in their brain.

You need to treat the fish with a broad spectrum fish medication that treats bacteria, fungus and protozoan infections asap. Treat the tank for at least 1 week. Do not add any new fish until everyone in the tank has been good for 4 weeks.

To work out the volume of water in the tank:
measure length x width x height in cm.
divide by 1000.
= volume in litres.
When you measure the height, measure from the top of the substrate to the top of the water level.

There is a calculator/ converter in the "How To Tips" at the top of this page that will let you convert litres to gallons if you need it.

Remove carbon from the filter before treating or it will absorb the medication and stop it working.

Wipe the inside of the glass down, do a 75% water change and complete gravel clean. And clean the filter before treating. Make sure any new water is free of chlorine/ chloramine before it is added to the tank.

Increase surface turbulence/ aeration when using medications because they reduce the dissolved oxygen in the water.
i might be able to ask the shop to replace them but i'm not sure if they'll replace it. a problem i have though with the full gravel clean is that i have a complete jungle of val at the back of my tank. i'll try my best to tell the shop i bought them from. do you think the disease spread from one fish to another when they were inside the bag? i'm feeling worried already as my parents, particularly my mom, are one of those people who believe that fish will only live fpr a short time so they wouldn't care medicating. my only worry right now is if that bacteria can infect at least one of the types of fish in my aquarium that costs more than a juvenile angel (about 100php-150 php or 2-3 usd). i know it's cheap but in the philippines, for a fish, that's already pricey (plus i had to use my own money that my mom was supposed to put in my insurance :p). these "valued" fish i own are my two adult angels and my one royal whiptail. my dad told to me once when i was talking about medicating fish that he thought it wasn't worth it if the fish was just a tetra or something. he said that if i will spend thousands of pesos (1000php is about 20 usd, fish meds are the only really expensive fish item here in the philippines)on treating small fish, might as well just let them die. i personally don't think that way but i do believe that if i try to medicate the fish, it will cause my dad to get annoyed with me. thank you all for all the help you gave me here at TFF and i hope the pet shop will understand the situation.
Have any more fish died in the last 24 hours. If not, then maybe wait a few more days and see how they go. You can post some more pics of the remaining fish and I can see if they look normal.

Normally if they have a disease it will need to be treated otherwise they will die. If they don't have a disease they don't need to be treated. However, the fact fish are dying and they are spinning in the water, and they have a weird colour on their bodies when dead, is an indication they have a disease.

If you don't want to treat them then just do big water changes each day and hope for the best.

You can treat the main tank or move all the fish into a quarantine tank. However, since they are in a tank, you may as well treat the display tank where they currently are because it will be less stressful for them because you won't have to catch them to move them.

If you get a medication suitable for scaleless fish (catfish, loaches, eels) then they should be fine. If you can't find a medication that is safe for scaleless fish, then use a normal medication at half strength.

If you have lots of plants in the tank then gravel clean around the plants.

If the fish have a disease, they would have had it at the shop before they were put in the bag.
Have any more fish died in the last 24 hours. If not, then maybe wait a few more days and see how they go. You can post some more pics of the remaining fish and I can see if they look normal.

Normally if they have a disease it will need to be treated otherwise they will die. If they don't have a disease they don't need to be treated. However, the fact fish are dying and they are spinning in the water, and they have a weird colour on their bodies when dead, is an indication they have a disease.

If you don't want to treat them then just do big water changes each day and hope for the best.

You can treat the main tank or move all the fish into a quarantine tank. However, since they are in a tank, you may as well treat the display tank where they currently are because it will be less stressful for them because you won't have to catch them to move them.

If you get a medication suitable for scaleless fish (catfish, loaches, eels) then they should be fine. If you can't find a medication that is safe for scaleless fish, then use a normal medication at half strength.

If you have lots of plants in the tank then gravel clean around the plants.

If the fish have a disease, they would have had it at the shop before they were put in the bag.
i'm very sad to say that my mom will not allow me to ask for a refund or replace the fish. even worse, she said she will not allow me to go to the fish market anymore because apparently, if one petshop have fish like that, everyone else has the same. it is also far from our house so she hates trips there. i got so mad (i didn't show it though) when she gave me a lecture on how i should just buy from the nearby pet shops and how i should just be happy and contented with whatever the shops have. i got mad because all the pet shops near me (sorry for my bad language if ever i am not allowed to say this in the forum, i know it's not a bad word but still) SUCK. they have worse quality fish, treat the fish worse, have bad prices, always out of stock, and DO NOT HAVE ANYTHING I NEED. the best thing i can do right now is wait in one corner of the house :p while hoping that my prized fishes won't die and that my mom will one day see the importance of me buying the things i buy, making her allow me to go back to the fish market. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for your help and support. i honestly don't know what would have happened to me and my tank without your help.

P.S. - the weird color you see are just camera stuff. when they die, their corpses look like they just went to sleep
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