20 gallon long stocking?


New Member
Apr 12, 2018
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My tank cycled 2 days ago and I'm trying to come up with a stocking list. Would the following be ok?

10 Zebra Danios and cherry shrimp

Here is a pic of my tank:
What are your parameters/the temperature? As for the stocking that would be fine, and you could add a couple more fish- maybe some pygmy or panda cories, plus a few more shrimp if you wanted.
Your tank looks great, and it has the right decor to comfortably house shrimps/danios.
Good luck with your tank and be sure to post if you have any more questions.
Wow, nice tank! I agree with Jessie J., you could at some more fish/inverts.
In my humble opinion, while your suggested stock would fit in a 15 long, with zebra Danio and cherry shrimp (or indeed any dwarf Shrimp)
The shrimp would Most likely either be eaten almost immediately, or sometime over the next several months, as The Zebra Danio continue to grow toward thier full size of 4-5 centimeters (up to 2 inches)
If we knew your water parameters we might be able to give you better suggestions temp. Gh Kh. Ph ect

I agree. We cannot recommend any fish until we know if you have hard or sift water, low or high pH.

Look on your water provider's website to see if they give the hardness of your tap water. Or take a sample of tap water to an LFS and ask them to test GH. You need both a number and the unit they use (not words like slightly soft, or moderately hard which are meaningless)
I agree. We cannot recommend any fish until we know if you have hard or sift water, low or high pH.

Look on your water provider's website to see if they give the hardness of your tap water. Or take a sample of tap water to an LFS and ask them to test GH. You need both a number and the unit they use (not words like slightly soft, or moderately hard which are meaningless)

For soft water fish, too much Carbonate Hardness, often expressed as ppm or milligrams/liter of calcium, can cause early death due to the fish equivalent of kidney stones, among other things.

In addition to hardness, it would be a good idea to get your Ph.
The Ph Scale is Logarithmic, so much like the Richter scale for earthquakes, a relatively small looking change in terms of numbers can make a huge difference.

For example, a PH reading of 8.0 is 10 times more than basic than 7.0, or neutral, and 6.0 is 10 times more acidic than 7.0 and 100 times more acidic than 8.0.
Sorry for the late reply. I just ordered the gh/kh test kit and I should have it in a few days

Here are my test results from my master api test kit:

Ammonia: 0
Nitrites: 0
Nitrates: 10
Ph: 7.4

Love your tank.

The Zebra danios will eat all your shrimp no ifs, no buts, no maybes.

As for the stocking that would be fine,

Please explain why you think it will be fine? Because I know for a fact it wont be.
amano shrimp are a maybe, with enough hiding places to molt, but dwarf shrimp I personally would not think of trying.
I have heard many reports of smaller fish than zebras causing cherry shrimp Armageddon.

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