URGENT- Help with Molly Fish


New Member
Aug 11, 2018
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I need help with my Molly Fish, I found one dead this morning and I have two others with issues. My white Molly fish have these red spots on sides and my black Molly keeps swimming in circles and bouncing around. I checked my water and my ammonia was bad, did a 50% water change. At this point I don’t know what else I can do or what my fish my need. What kind of medications.

Here is a photo of the dead fish I found this morning.


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Hi and welcome to the forum :)

If you have ammonia in the water and an alkaline pH (pH above 7.0), the fish are probably dying from ammonia poisoning. Do a 75% water change and complete gravel clean each day until the ammonia remains at 0. Reduce feeding to once every second day until the filters are working properly.
Do you know if you have hard or soft water? Mollies are fish that must have hard water or they get sick. Look on your water provider's website and see if you can find the hardness of your water. Tell us the number and the unit (they could use any one of half a dozen different units). If you can't find the info, tell us the name of the company and we'll see what we can find.
Sorry for your problems.
Red spots if they tiny can be septicemia which can be caused by bad water quality.
Plenty of water change as septicemia can be passed on to other fish if they have cuts or wounds.
I agree with what others have posted. The problem is most likely the water.

Mollies cannot tolerate ammonia at all, and internal damage caused by ammonia is not treatable or curable. But you must reduce the ammonia down to zero permanently, before adding any other fish whether mollies or other species.

Mollies also cannot tolerate soft water. You must ascertain the GH (general or total hardness) and pH of your source water, and the pH of the tank water.

Water quality must be good. Mollies are in fact not hardy fish any longer, due primarily to generations of commercial inbreeding.

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