Oh...well I had this pleco when I got the tank (it was pre-owned) which was a month ago. The owner didn't really seem to care about the fish and the tank smelled like a century year old Porta-potty. He said he cleaned the tank every week but he hadn't cleaned it in a year. So, I had no other choice to save the poor thing. I have been doing 50% water changes once per week or twice if the water is bad. The tank itself is a mess. There is missing sealant, a DIY silicon sealing job on the OUTSIDE, NO HEATER, never tests the water (probably 1000ppm of Nitrate before I bought the tank), the list goes on.
Water quality
Also, my LFS store sells baby plecos for 6$-10$ that are 5in. 20$ for the XL plecs (6-8in). And I have never seen a pleco for more than that. They do also sell very rare plecos like blue-eyed plecs, lots of goldies, Royals, Phantoms, and even vampires. All for 100$-330$. If you want you can checkout Aquatek at Burnet road in Austin, TX.