Does my betta have fin rott?


New Member
Aug 1, 2018
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I got him over two weeks ago now and his fins aren’t getting any better. It’s only the back fin, it looks more and more
Hi and welcome to the forum :)

Finrot is caused by poor water quality that damages the fins and allows bacteria to infect the damaged area. The easiest way to prevent it is to keep the water clean with good filtration and regular water changes.

Generally the easiest way to treat finrot is to do a 75% water change and complete gravel clean each day for at least a week. The water changes dilute anything in the water that is causing the issue and the fish usually heal up by themselves.
Make sure any new water is free of chlorine/ chloramine before it is added to the tank. :)
Please Nick, enlighten us as with your advice. What do you suggest?
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Can you please answer the following questions.

How big is the tank?
Has it got a heater? What is it set to?
Has it got a filter?
How strong is the current?
Is it cycled?
How often do you change water?
How much water do you change?
Do you vacuum the substrate?
What additives or chemicals do you use? Eg De Chlorinator?
Do you use tap or bottled water? If bottled water please give us the brand.
Do you have a water test kit?
Can you tell us the readings for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate?
When you clean the tank can you tell us exactly what you do.
What do you feed him? how much? how often?
Any tank mates? What sort how many?
How long have you had the Betta?
Has he got a history of illness?
Any plants or decorations? Please give details?
Can you provide a close up photo of the fish?
Can you provide a photo of the tank?

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