Growth or injury


Fish Connoisseur
Feb 16, 2008
Reaction score
Spotted this today. The eye appears cloudy. Other eye is normal and the fish is behaving as normal. No sign of anything on any other fish

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The eye appears to have been damaged, the red patch at the bottom of it. The dorsal fin also looks clamped and white.

Have you checked the water quality?
Do a big water change, complete gravel clean, and clean the filter if you haven't done it in the last 2 weeks. Then wait 24 hours and see how it looks. If it hasn't gotten any better then add some triple sulpha or something like that.
Heh heh those white streaks in the fins catch me every time :# too. The N compounds are 0/0/0. 60% change every weekend - last one on Friday night. Only thing out of the ordinary is the temp has been hovering close to 30 for the past few weeks.

I did do some gardening and re-arranging during the week. This usually triggers a minor dominance struggle amongst the Sids who, I suspect, are the culprits in this case.
Alls well that ends well. I adopted a watch and wait approach with no treatment and nothing changed for 10 days. Day 11 and she was fine - no marks and I could not even tell which fish it was. All 15 of my glowlights are accounted for so she did not become fish food. I have seen reports of growths (or whatever) that just "fell off" and assume it was just an injury and when it was ready the "scab" did just that.

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