We would like to congratulate IHaveADogToo as the FishForums.net June 2018 Tank of the month! Here's some additional information on the winning tank:
Tank Size: 10 Gallons (US)
pH ~ 7.8T
Temp: 77 (F)
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: ~10ppm
Filtration: Sponge Filter
Substrate: Fine Sand from the hardware store (This is the finest, siltiest sand I've ever seen in my life)
Hardscape: Lava Rock
Shells: Escargot Shells, Hermit Crab Shells
Species: Neolamprologus Multifasciatus (Shellies, Shell dwellers, Multies)
This 10 gallon tank contains the smallest cichlids known to man, a shell dwelling species from Africa's Lake Tanganyika called Neolamprologus Multifasciatus. Try saying that 5x fast!
The reason there are no plants or ornaments is because, among this species many hobbies is aquascaping. Within 2 weeks of me adding these fish to the tank, they had started moving the shells and sand around. The attached photo is how the tank looked the day I added fish. This is not how the tank looks now. See the video for that. It doesn't look too different, as the fish can't move the lava rock, but they certainly have been moving the shells and sand around.
I have 2 males and 4 females in this tank, in hopes that they become a breeding colony. I haven't had the tank running long enough to see fry yet, so we will see in time. At first I was concerned about aggression between the males, and there were some battle scars to validate my concern, but things have since calmed down, and I didn't have to remove any fish like I initially feared I would have to.
The July contest will be posted next week. Stay tuned!