Angelfish front fin torn


New Member
Jun 29, 2018
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My angelfish’s fin was torn by one of the other angelfish in the tank (there’s 3 total). It’s her front fin that makes her swim (the internet says it’s her “pectoral fin) and now that it’s torn it doesn’t work as well. Because it’s not working as well she tends to lean to that side a little. Should this be a problem or should I not worry about it?
The tank is 29G with a tetra whisper for a 30G tank.
Can’t really see the fin cause it’s always moving but I’ll post some anyways


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If the fin was damaged by one of the other fish, it should not make any difference to the way the fish swims and it should heal up by itself. However, in a new tank the ammonia or nitrite can cause fins to become damaged and then the fish can die from poor water quality.

Do a big water change to make sure there is no ammonia or nitrite in the water and then monitor the fin. If the fin gets white fluffy stuff on it then it has developed a fungal infection. If the fin goes red and starts dissolving then it has a bacterial infection. Fungal and bacterial infections need to be treated but if the fish is healthy and the water is clean (has no ammonia or nitrite) then the fish should not develop any infections and the fin should heal up by itself.

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