Male platy bent body and trouble breathing


New Member
May 22, 2018
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Tank size: 10 gallons
pH: between 6.5 and 7.0
ammonia: unknown rn
nitrite: 0 ppm
nitrate: 40 ppm
kH: 80 ppm
gH: 120 ppm
tank temp: 78 F

Fish Symptoms: I just put down a fish for swim bladder disease. Sam (the current sick fish) has been sick for a few weeks. I treated the tank with a parasite remedy and he got better, but he’s suddenly not doing so well anymore. He is very skinny, had a bent spine, ripped fins and tail, and has trouble breathing. He seems to have difficulty swimming and mostly sits on the bottom of the tank.

Volume and Frequency of water changes: I did a 25% change today and I do this once a week.

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: I just started treating the tank with the parasite remedy again. I use a water conditioner with water changes and occasionally add a bacteria supplement.

Tank inhabitants: 1 male crown tail beta, 3 adult female platies, 1 adult male platy (Sam), 1 juvenile female platy, 1 juvenile male platy, 3 older baby platies, 3 newborn platies, lots of plants.

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): NA

I have dropped off babies at a local aquarium store in the past and am willing to drop off fish again. I am also willing to do more frequent water changes if needed. I live in a dorm during the school year so I cannot have a tank larger than 10 gallons.

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can you post a pic of the fish when it isn't hiding, or a short video clip of it?

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