My gourami has a large open wound


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Apr 26, 2018
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Tank size:77gal
tank temp:78

Fish Symptoms he is acting absolutely normal eats great even chases his normal tank buddies.

Volume and Frequency of water changes: I have been doing changes every 3 days approximately 17 gallons at a time

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: I removed my carbon filter. I use prime when ever I refill and I have been using melafix for the last 2 weeks to help fred ( my dwarf gourami his women are Betty and wilma)

Tank inhabitants:
guppies ( to many to count approximately 20 at any given time )
platy-8 (more coming due to pregnant)
2 red phantoms
2 black phantoms
3 cherry barbs
1 blue ram ( he lost his female a few weeks ago)
6 zebra loaches
3 cory albinos
2 sterbai
3 upside down catfish
2 female dwarf gourami

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):

Exposure to chemicals:melafix I have erythromycin coming tomorrow
Don't use Erythromycin yet. Strong anti-biotics (like Erythromycin) should only be used as a last resort because they were never designed for fish. Try to use methylene blue and treat the fish in a separate tank so the medication doesn't wipe out your filter bacteria. Erythromycin will also wipe out filter bacteria.

Change the water in the hospital tank each day and wipe the inside of the glass down when you do this. Keep treating the fish for 1 week after the wound has healed.
Don't use Erythromycin yet. Strong anti-biotics (like Erythromycin) should only be used as a last resort because they were never designed for fish. Try to use methylene blue and treat the fish in a separate tank so the medication doesn't wipe out your filter bacteria. Erythromycin will also wipe out filter bacteria.

Change the water in the hospital tank each day and wipe the inside of the glass down when you do this. Keep treating the fish for 1 week after the wound has healed.
Thank you so much I hadn't gotten the erythromycin yet thank goodness and I ordered the blue just in case and will get it tomorrow. I pray itll work on him
Update: fred is still with us...I bought him a walmart special aquarium set up (5gal) and added a heater. I have my meth blue ordered and it'll be here Tuesday. In the mean time I grabbed some fungus clear. Made a 10 gallon batch(smallest you can make) and used part of it in his new aquarium with only a sponge in the filter. I did a 50% water change a day later from the pre made mixture and will do so once again the next day(tomorrow) and will start over on the 4th....supposed to use the fungus clear every 4 days....with all that said Fred's wound is not getting bigger and doesn't look so blood fresh...I accidentally grabbed a baby guppy when I grabbed him so at least he has a friend....he still acts normal thank goodness the guppy will probably need therapy after this lol I may give fred a piece of plant so he can have at least one place to hide beings he keeps hugging the heater to sleep( he usually slept in a cave) I may go against the rules and name the guppy lol
has he got another sore developing on his back?
same side as his current sore but about half way along his body and on the upper half, he has blemish or something there?
Its his little fin..looks same on both sides...thank you for looking I am watching a spot on the same side by his tail, it looks like a weird scale but I'm paranoid now over anything on him ...
I am watching a spot on the same side by his tail, it looks like a weird scale
That might be what I am looking at.
Keep an eye on it and if it turns into another ulcer/ sore, then he probably has Tuberculosis (TB). But we won't jump the gun, see how the sore on his face goes :)
Yeah I keep reading horror stories and figure we will take it day by day..thank you for your input
Fred gave up the fight this afternoon....he actually looked like he was getting better yesterday reason I didnt do a up date I was rather hopeful....He will be laid to rest in my flower garden...

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