Things getting toasty......

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Jul 16, 2013
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Oxfordshire, UK
just over the last week or so I’ve been setting up a Fluval Roma 90 litre tank for a couple I know who have 2 fancy goldfish in a 5 gallon tank!!!

Yep a 5 gal tank is way too small for goldfish of any sort so I offered for free my spare 90 litre tank and I tried to get them to take a larger tank but this is what they wanted and have space for. I know 90litre is not ideal but least it’s certainly better than a 5 gal tank.

Anyway, I digress, I put in an apparently brand new 50w heater in the tank to get the fishless cycle going, I got the heater with a second hand tank I bought some time ago and was still in the packaging and looked brand new, so I thought would be fine.

The cycling progress was going ok but much slower than I expected after testing water last night and was unsure why.

Just this morning I glanced into the tank and saw the heating pilot light flickering.

Hang on that’s not right, switched off the heater and put my hand in tank, boy, the water was pretty warm I then put in a thermometer and it was at about 30C, too warm for fish less cycling!


Took heater out and actually felt it was bubbling and fizzing.


Not sure if can see, the labelling inside heater has burned and shrivelled due to heat!!


Set at 24C.


Glad I switched heater off before I put my hand in the tank.

Now, this is the first time I’ve had a malfunctioning heater but I’ve certainly heard many stories of heaters causing havoc in tanks with live stock.

So glad had no fish or shrimps in the tank.

Lesson learned here, don’t buy second hand heaters, even if sellers say it’s new, don’t take their word for it as you don’t know if heater had been bashed or dropped or whatever which can cause to break it.

Have cut the power cable off the heater and put heater straight into the bin, luckily I have another spare heater that’s trustworthy.

Heater was a Marina 50w. Not a brand I normally have for heaters but thought it would be fine as I like Marina brand HOB filters and was just temporary for cycling the tank and filter.


Even then the heater would not be on for long as it’s very warm weather around at the moment so water temps are around 23C without heater so would really be minimal usage of heater.

Just a warning to all to be careful of purchasing used heaters.
The only aquarium heaters I trust are Rena brand heaters. I have never had an issue with them in 30years, but have had numerous other brands blow up.

30C is not a big issue for cycling an aquarium, it's only a couple of degrees above ideal :)

Do the people with the 20 litre goldfish tank have a filter in it? If so you don't need to cycle the 90 litre tank, just use their filter and the new filter together.
I had a malfunctioning heater years ago; since then I've tested every heater I buy in a bucket of water with a thermometer before they're allowed anywhere near my tanks, and I keep a tested spare as well.

I know we get very lazy about it, because it's a hassle, but we should, really, all of us, be completely switching all the electrics off, before working on our tanks.
ColinT - I am well aware of using filters and media for cycling etc.

Their filter is a tiny little itty bitty thing and I thought I’d might as well give them a Fluval u2 with media that fits properly (and will also add the media from their filter to the u2 when I deliver and set up the tank at their place) just so that can cycle the whole thing as goldfish are one of the most messiest fish regarding poop and ammonia waste (no.1 are plecos which are poop factories imho).

So thought I’d do a proper job with the filter and tank before finally handing over the tank so I know I’ve done as much as I possibly could.

Will only take a week or so to cycle this tank fully with bacteria’s from my other tanks.

Really it’s their kids tank and goldfish so I want to be certain as to avoid disappointment and tears.

Fluttermoth - that’s a good way of testing heaters before adding to tanks it’s livestock, it’s certqibly something to be aware of for all keepers.

As we all know, electric & water don’t mix well for us, so it’s well worth being undoubtedly sure our electrical equipment is safe to use.
I then put in a thermometer and it was at about 30C, too warm for fish less cycling!

not really....30c isn't too warm for cycling....i keep my discus tanks @ 30 or even warmer

Glad I switched heater off before I put my hand in the tank.

never put your hand in a tank with a heater plugged in....that could have killed you!
Another lesson. IF your serious about fish keeping, EVERYTHING should be plugged into a GFCI (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter) outlet. This ensures that if there's even the slightest change in voltage, the power is shut off until it is reset. If you don't have a GFCI outlet near the tank you can replace the outlet or get a plug in adapter.

I once had an Aqueon submersible glass heater fail with water inside the glass tube...I noticed it because the water inside the tube was boiling!!!! Believe it or not. Fortunately this heater was guaranteed for life.
I have a aqueon heater in my 2.5ft tank, thin black heater that pretty good to blend in with black background so it’s almost hidden.

Pretty good really, was quite pricey compared to other brands but heard good things with that so thought I’d try it and see for myself. Not a bad buy really.

I tend to go for Fluval or Jager/eheim heaters as my personal preferences. Though for nano tanks I go for aquaone 25w as it’s smaller in length to fit properly in nano tank. So far over last 3 or 4 years has been pretty reliable for my shrimp tanks.
When I bought my first heater I didn’t know (that that brand heated up instantly), excited me plugged it in and I had my hand gripped around the coil region at the base of the glass part and... ouch! I got a nasty 1st degree burn on the lower part of my thumb not fun.
I tend to go for Fluval or Jager/eheim heaters as my personal preferences..

eheim jagar are pretty much all i use.....have had great results.....i currently have 9 tanks with those heaters....although i am guilty of buying a few "cheap" heaters from china off ebay for my fry tanks just because they are so cheap...have not had one fail yet....surprisingly
China made heaters at knock down prices can be hard to resist but fortunately have resisted that to date.

I honestly do not think Chinese made electronics are all that bad as most things made in China are fine, tv’s, DVD players and so on and so forth are made there and we buy them all the time.

Not saying we should stop buying Fluval and eheim heater just for the sake of saving a few pennies, I much prefer to stick with the tried and tested brands as after all we are trusting these heaters to keep water at optimal temperatures for our livestock that have cost us quite a bit of money, in some cases hundreds or thousands pounds or dollars worth of livestock.

But most importantly it’s safe for us when we put our hands into the tanks, I know in an ideal world we would switch off the heaters and filters every time we put hands into the tank but the reality is that does not happen every time.

Just a personal preference really I think.
But most importantly it’s safe for us when we put our hands into the tanks, I know in an ideal world we would switch off the heaters and filters every time we put hands into the tank but the reality is that does not happen every time.
Just a personal preference really I think.

That's why you should always plug into a GFCI outlet or adapter. It could save your fish and/or YOU!
eheim jagar are pretty much all i use.....have had great results.....i currently have 9 tanks with those heaters

i think i jinxed myself by making this comment, just had one of my 300w jagars fail,

i just got home from being away for 2 days and the temp in one of my 100 gallon tanks is at 63F.....tanks normal temp is 80F

the light in the heater is ON but its not heating,

good thing my LFS provides a lifetime warranty on these, so im off to get a new one
That's what happens when you start talkin large....the universe reminds you yer not in charge! Glad you have a warranty deal.

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