March 2018 Tank of the Month!

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Jun 28, 2016
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Austin, TX
fishforums-toftm-jpg.82047 is proud to announce the March 2018 Tank of the Month Contest!

How do I enter?
Post one photo or video in this thread along with a nice detailed write-up of your tank. The write up should include a good description of your tank, water parameters, tank maintenance procedures, feeding schedules, etc.

* You must be the owner of the tank.
* Video can be uploaded to youtube, and then a link to the video may be posted in this thread.
* Only one photo will be allowed, so make it your best!
* A description is required!

The deadline for entries is March 23rd, 2018 at 03:00 PM EST. The winner will be voted upon by Members.. Good luck everyone, and may the best Tank win!

What do I win?
The winner will receive a Tank of the Month badge and be featured on

Everyone is welcome to participate, so jump right in and enter today!
Lets get the ball rolling, As I have already won it once. Please DO NOT vote for me Im just here to make up the numbers.


Tank Horizon 65l tank.
Heater Aquael Easy heater.
LightAqua One Smart Touch (6w) LED Clip on Light

1 Male Betta
1 Baby BN
15 Kuhli Loaches.
70 plus Red Cherry shrimp.
1 Mystery snail
Unknown number Malaysian Trumpet snails.


Water sprite ( Floating )
Duck Weed ( Floating )


Water change 50% once a week.
I do not vacuum the substrate, Kinda hard with all those plants.
Water conditioner Easy-Life Filter Medium
Seachem Flourish complete supplement for the planted tank, 2 mill when I remember

I sometimes clean the front glass.
Tank Setup:

A 260L Jewel Tank with an oak wood stand fitted with double cupboards housing a 350L canister external filter and the other bits and bobs needed.
Lit with a bar LED that changes colour.
Water change is done twice a month at 2/3 and vacuum the gravel.


Aquascaped with 5 8' Amazon Sword rooted in a fine black gravel with occasional white gravel at the back of the tank covering most of a blue background(Was a reef tank before, I will change once I found a good 3D Background)
Large wooden piece with many crevices and a few fake plants attached. This is placed towards the rear of the tank where an air stone creates bubbles through holes(knots in the wood).


Marbled veil-tail Angelfish 5'
Black Angelfish 4'
2x Dwarf Gouramis
10x Mollies(an orange and black mix)
10x Cobra/Snakeskin Guppies ('red-y' and 'orang-y'):huh:
2.5' Adonis Pleco
3' Albino Bristlenose Pleco
Rainbow Shark
2x White Sailfin Molly (Pair- Male & Female)

Sorry I could not provide a picture of my aquarium, once I get a background and rescape with stones rather than wood I will be happy too.

Thank you for taking the time to read my entry. :thanks:
my ten gallon cherry shrimp aquarium.

Plants, are all trimmings out of my 55

Water, it's wet

Lights, medium on for 7 hours a day

Ferts, pps pro

Maintenance, just like all my others.

Pic, taken today

Tank: AquaOne AquaVogue 185
Filters: Fluval 406, AquaOne Ocellaris 850
UV: FishRFun 9W (8 hours per day)
Temp: 25C
pH: 7.2
GH: 16DH
KH: 18DH
Bogwood, Mopani, Oak twigs. Oak twigs are assisted in creating the black water effect by Rooibos teabags.
14 x Cardinal Tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi)
15 x Glowlight Tetra (Hemigrammus erythrozonus)
4 x Peppered Cory (Corydoras paleatus)
4 x Sterbai Cory (Corydoras sterbai)
6 x Dwarf Chain Loach (Yasuhikotakia sidthimunki)
1 x Bristlenose Pleco (Ancistrus sp.)
Dwarf Water Lettuce (Pistia stratiotes)
Amazon Frogbit (Limnobium laevigatum)
Anubias barteri var. nana
Java Fern (Microsorium pteropus)
Java Moss (Vesicularia Dubyana)

Still a work in progress. This used to live in my study as a fairly typical blackwater setup. I recently re-located it to the living room and SWMBO felt it was a bit too (ahem) natural looking. So I have tried to create a tropical lagoon while retaining a natural environment for the fish. I keep threatening to remove the artificial rum kegs but the peppered corys have adopted this as their town hall. Hopefully in time the (artificial) pumice stones will be fully covered in java moss.
Feed 5 days a week using NLS small pellets as staple with shrimp pellets, catfish pellets, algae wafers, frozen bloodworm or freeze dried tubiflex for variety - but not all at once. 2 x 50% water changes per week.
My fluval flex 57l that i have had set up for 3 months


5 male guppies

3 otos

5 galaxy rasboras

5 panda corys


2 amazon swords

Loads of java moss

Dwarf hair grass

1 red tiger lotus

cryptocoryne wendtii green

Anubias nana

Hygrophila polysperma

Amazon frogbit

And some kind of rotala at the back

I use fert root capsules on the amazon swords and dose tropica liquid plant fert when i remember through the week. I dont add co2 and my lights stay on for 8 hours a day.


Sent from my G8141 using Tapatalk

120 gallon Community tank
80 degrees F
Nitrates 10ppm
pH 6.4
GH 4
KH 4
Fluval 304 canister filter, Marineland 360 Magniflow canister filter
Upgraded 3 months ago from a 55 gallon that had been running for over 3 years.
Substrate is a plant substrate mixed with white sand that settles to the bottom 4 inches deep.

Saturday and Monday through Thursday one day feeding is Omega One Tropical Flakes and Omega One Sinking Shrimp Pellets.
Monday through Saturday one night feeding Omega One Algae Wafers and Sera Crabs Natural Food Rings which is a high calcium food supplement for crustaceans.
Friday after water change I give one cube of Omega One frozen Mysis shrimp and one cube of Daphnia.
Sunday I feed nothing
Every now and then when Petsmart has them I give live flightless fruit flies.

Led plant quality lights on 1pm to 8:30pm

Plants are
Amazon sword
Rose sword
Java fern
Madagascar lace

5 angels (1 breeding pair)
4 pearl gourami (1 male 3 females)
9 harlequin rasporas
8 Corys
5 otos
1 clown pleco
2 farlowella catfish (breeding pair)
2 dojo loaches
10 cardinal tetras
6 marble hatchetfish
6 glass catfish
2 bamboo shrimps
2 viper shrimps
2 panther crabs
30+ assasin snails

50% water change weekly temp match water conditioned with API water conditioner
Clean filters when the flow is decreased
Clean the front glass weekly
Never vacuum substrate
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