Bruised and bloated Guppy, help!

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Sep 7, 2017
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Tank size: 240L - Currently in 70L quarantine tub
pH: 8.2pH
ammonia: Both 0ppm
nitrite: Both 0ppm
nitrate: Main aquarium 10-20ppm, tub is reading just above zero.
kH: Cannot remember off the top of my head, it's hard water though.
gH: 14dH
Tank temp: 24.5c on the main tank and 25-26 on the tub (main tank has proper temperature controller, tub only a basic glass heater)

Fish Symptoms: Fish is visibly bloated, however scales are not currently protruding/pineconing. Fish sometimes has sore red areas visible in the mouth which come and go. Lastly the fish looks like it has been bruised badly around the head area. This appeared overnight after he started to show signs of bloating. Behaviour wise he is still accepting food, swimming normally and was actively seeking out mates and displaying to others when he was in the main tank.

Haven't noticed an increase in aggression in him or any of the other fish in the aquarium. Generally they're all very peaceful, with the Guppies behaving completely normally.

Volume and Frequency of water changes: All tanks 50% or more a week.

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: Main tank has Fluval activated Carbon (GAC) which is changed weekly.

Tank inhabitants: Guppies x10, Sterba Cory x6, Celebes Rainbowfish x7, Zebra Nerite snails x3. The tub just has the sick Guppy and Bladder snails.

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): Last addition was an Anubias plant over two months ago.

Exposure to chemicals: API tap water conditioner (correctly dosed). Foods used are: New Life Spectrum Community Fish Formula, New Life Spectrum Flake Food, JBL Spirulina Premium and Fish Science Corydoras tablets (Aimed at the Corydoras of course but all the fish like to join in and help!)

Digital photo (include if possible):

Cannot find anything like this elsewhere so a bit stumped on what to do. Not feeding him currently, I'm going to try de-shelled peas in a couple of days time. Bloating plus the sore areas I could see inside his mouth makes me think possible internal parasites however that is nothing more than a guess. As soon as I noticed the sore areas inside his mouth I did check for ammonia and nitrite in the aquarium however every time I tested the result was zero. None of the other fish are displaying symptoms of anything being wrong.
Sadly the poor lad didn't make it. Looked as though he was making progress on recovery as the black marking on his head had started to fade. I checked on him a few times a day and one minute he was looking well; eating, swimming and behaving just like a Guppy should, then within about an hour he was belly up and dead. Will be keeping a keen eye on his previous tank mates to look out for any of the symptoms he was displaying.

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