Poorly plec

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Nov 16, 2017
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hi guys

I'm sorry if the info on my tank is vague, is a fluval 45L I believe, nitrites/ammonia all fine, temp is 27C. Have been set up for approx 4 years now with no new additions or ornaments, just 3 weeks ago changed to a new larger sponge in the filter. I have a Few mollies and 1 adult bristle nose and around 10 small "accidental" baby plecs.

I do a roughly a half tank change every 2-3 week and mop the filters out at the same time.

I'm really worried about my albino bristle nose plec Heisenberg. For the past 4 days he has been out of his cave on and off slumped against the glass. Parts of him have gone very red (more red than when he has been in "daddy" mode in the past) especially his fins and his mouth looks swollen. Any idea at all or help/advice? Anything worth checking or trying? Thanks in advance for any help


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Also he is breathing heavily, and keeps doing a strange mouth stretch, it seems like his belly is swollen too. Have the air pump going so is well oxygenised. Poor guy. Would adding a touch of salt help in any way?
I'm really, really sorry you haven't had a reply yet, your thread must have got overlooked somehow :(

Is the fish still alive? As a first aid measure, you should change nearly all the water, every day; leave just enough water for the fish to swim upright before refiling, making sure the new water is warmed and dechlorinated.

Was there anything left in the filter when you added the new sponge? How, exactly, do you 'mop out' the filter? Could you post the actual numbers from all your tests, please? And what test kit are you using?
Hi and thank you for replying :)

He is hanging in there but looking really bad. His tail is raw pink and looks like his skin is now producing mucus which my other fish are starting to pay interest in :'( mouth is still swollen and generally everywhere is looking puffy.

Have done more water changes, a huge one yesterday. By mopping out I mean quick rinse off of any muck in a bucket of tank water.

Have just done another test using NT labs and results are the same
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 10
PH 7
We do have particularly hard water but they have been fine for years until now. All other fish are healthy and normal.

I just don't know what I can do to help or if I should do the decent thing. I love my plec
Poor guy


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He's just passed away Heartbroken. RIP Heisenberg

Any ideas as to what he fell sick with so I ensure I'm on top of it for next time, or any anythings would be appreciated. I'm keeping a couple of his babies

So sad right now

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