My betta fish is bloated.

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Apr 30, 2017
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My betta has a swollen belly and something white is hanging from under her... I seen her scratching her sides against a decoration a few times... I havent fed her today but I know shes hungry, and would be willing to eat if I offered...She's swimming pretty good, she isn't swimming on her sides either. I cleaned her tank yesterday, I also cleaned the gravel and her decorations with hot water, added the water conditoner too and I removed the live plants and moss balls... just in case. I have some betta revive medicine but Im not sure if I should use it or not... I read online that I can use epson salt but Im not sure how that really works... :/ Any tips would be very appreciated.. Thanks

One more thing, when I was cleaning her tank, I seen a piece of a roach insect in the tank... And this whole apartment complex has those, I live in Los Angeles so its a pretty common thing.. I wonder if she ate the roach, {a roach the size of my finger nail } and probably got herself constipated... UGH :(


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Can you post a fer pictures, at least one being from a top view?

What size tank is she in and is it filtered and heated (what temp)? Is it also cycled (Nitrogen cycle)?

The plants won't be causing any illnesses I can promise you that. I'd put them back is as both will have keep the water parameters in check. How often do you change her water?

Don't feed her for a couple days and see how that goes, it's common practice to fast fish for a few days to let their digestive system rest. Epsom salt baths can help with constipation just like it does with humans. It will also draw out fluids due to infection. I'd like to see pictures before giving the go ahead for epsom salt baths.
Can you post a fer pictures, at least one being from a top view?

What size tank is she in and is it filtered and heated (what temp)? Is it also cycled (Nitrogen cycle)?

The plants won't be causing any illnesses I can promise you that. I'd put them back is as both will have keep the water parameters in check. How often do you change her water?

Don't feed her for a couple days and see how that goes, it's common practice to fast fish for a few days to let their digestive system rest. Epsom salt baths can help with constipation just like it does with humans. It will also draw out fluids due to infection. I'd like to see pictures before giving the go ahead for epsom salt baths.

Yes the tank has a filter, I change the filter cartridge every 2 months, she doesnt have a heater, I dont trust them, Ive read many horror reviews about them.. The tank is 5.5 gallon. I change her water every week.

What is nitrogen cycle? Is that like if i add salt water in the aquarium? because I dont.
The nitrogen cycle is perhaps the single most important thing for aquariums other than water. It is the process of how fish waste is broken down into materials that are less toxic to the fish. I suggest you do some reading up on that.

A quick summery is this:
Fish poop and create ammonia when they breath. Ammonia is toxic to fish at even minimal levels. Bacteria break down the poo and ammonia into nitrites, which is still very toxic to fish. The nitrites are then converted to nitrates by even more bacteria, which can become toxic at higher levels. Nitrates are removed by us when we change the water.

The bacteria colonize the filter media and the substrate. Which is why you never want to change all the media at once nor clean the gravel in hot water as it kills the bacteria, ruining the cycle, and allowing ammonia and nitrites to build up to harmful levels.

I would not change the filter cartridge so often nor clean the gravel in hot water any more. For now, I'd keep up on water changes and perhaps do a few extra ones. It is a good idea to always have a test kit on hand. In a cycled tank there should be no nitrites, ammonia and under 20ish nitrates.
The nitrogen cycle is perhaps the single most important thing for aquariums other than water. It is the process of how fish waste is broken down into materials that are less toxic to the fish. I suggest you do some reading up on that.

A quick summery is this:
Fish poop and create ammonia when they breath. Ammonia is toxic to fish at even minimal levels. Bacteria break down the poo and ammonia into nitrites, which is still very toxic to fish. The nitrites are then converted to nitrates by even more bacteria, which can become toxic at higher levels. Nitrates are removed by us when we change the water.

The bacteria colonize the filter media and the substrate. Which is why you never want to change all the media at once nor clean the gravel in hot water as it kills the bacteria, ruining the cycle, and allowing ammonia and nitrites to build up to harmful levels.

I would not change the filter cartridge so often nor clean the gravel in hot water any more. For now, I'd keep up on water changes and perhaps do a few extra ones. It is a good idea to always have a test kit on hand. In a cycled tank there should be no nitrites, ammonia and under 20ish nitrates.

Okay, so I should do partial water changes twice a week?
No epsom salt needed after all?
I'll get a kit :)
Thanks a lot.
Not sure on the epson salt. I'd need a few photos before deciding. Yes to the water changes, about 50% twice a week will be good.
We do need to see close ups of the fish first, She could just be full of eggs.
We do need to see close ups of the fish first, She could just be full of eggs.

I noticed that one side of her belly has gone down but the other side is still swollen... I will try to take some more photos, she moves alot so its a little hard.
She is really hungry, so I been feeding her the inside of a pea, the size of her eyeball.. only once a day tho.


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Not sure on the epson salt. I'd need a few photos before deciding. Yes to the water changes, about 50% twice a week will be good.


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That does not look like dropsy, nor bloaty IMO. If it was swim bladder disorder I feel she would be swimming funny. Have you seen her poop recently?

It might be an internal tumor, in which case there isn't much that can be done other than keeping her comfortable.
That does not look like dropsy, nor bloaty IMO. If it was swim bladder disorder I feel she would be swimming funny. Have you seen her poop recently?

It might be an internal tumor, in which case there isn't much that can be done other than keeping her comfortable.

I havent seen her poop tbh, she does have this small white stringy hanging out but it hasnt came out, it looks stuck...
I hope it isn't a tumor, If it is a tumor, would it be ok If i fed her a bit?

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