Plant ID please.

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Fish Crazy
Tank of the Month 🏆
Apr 21, 2017
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Went to my LFS today in order to buy some plants. Was looking for some Sagittaria subulata, Vallisneria Sublata, Anubias nana, Hydrocotyle leucocephala and Christmas moss. All that was in stock was the Anubias nana, I bought it and on impulse a carpeting grass I was told will work in low light with no CO2. I forgot the name I was told in the store, can anyone identify it from this pic?


  • P71028-215818__1509217948_31.154.81.58.jpg
    10.7 KB · Views: 235
As aready stated, its not the clearest of pictures but does indeed look like Dwarf Hairgrass -

If you see on that website, does say light demand is "low" and is easy to grow, you must bear in mind that easy to Tropica can be somewhat a bit of a misnomer as 'low' light is 0.5w per per litre, which is not exactly low as in what one would get in standard tank light fittings, more along the lines of slightly moderate lighting.

However, even then its always worth trying, as certain plants may just simply take a long time to grow or stays the same size and length for quite some time (surviving but not thriving really). And even then, if it fails, do not despair, just simply do not buy that plant again for the same set up and simply get a different type of plant for next time, very much a matter of trial and error when it comes to plants.

Not every plant will work, even if two tanks set up in the same room with the same substrate, water and decor and so on and so forth as there wll be subtle differences that may make the difference between good growth on certain plants between the two tanks.

Personally I've never had much luck with any hairgrass or carpet type plants in a tank with standard light set up to be honest. But I carried on trying a variety of different plants until I found what worked and what failed and in the end out of sheer stubborness kept at it until I had enough of a variety of plants that I liked that grew and thrived in my tank set ups :)
Sorry for the bad quality, the original picture was 5MB but the site wouldn't let me upload it. Had to reduce the quality significantly. Now that you mention it, I'm almost positive that it is Dwarf Hairgrass because the Latin name Eleocharis parvula rings a huge bell from yesterday when I bought it.

Thanks for the help!

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