Please help

Tanya farrell

Fish Fanatic
May 1, 2017
Reaction score
hello I didn't know if this is the right place

I have two bkf
And two birches

Can someone else the sex please

Also I have a pregnant guppie for 3 months what's happening
I think my red swordtail is pregnant how can I tell
My male swordtail broke his sword will he be ok ?


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There is no way of sexing BGKF. You migt be able to sex the birchirs by looking at the anal fins, but they'll have to be sexually mature first.

Guppies will not be pregnant for three months; it might have bloat, dropsy or a tumour; can you try and get a picture of it?

If your swordtail is pregnant (and you can assume that all livebearers are pregnant, all the time), she'll get fatter and fatter until, in the day or two before she gives birth, she'll 'square off'; develop a distinct boxy shape to her belly.

Your male sword will be fine (and the sword might grow back), but keep an eye open for any secondary infections, like fin rot or fungus.

Are all these fish in the same tank? How big is it? I feel I have to point out that you have some potential issues with your stocking :/
No all in different tanks
Picture below of guppie


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This thread was started in the Brackish forum...that may have been a simple error, I hope, since these fish are not brackish water species. Perhaps a moderator could move the thread... ? Then we can assist, as fluttermoth said there may be some issues. The tank size and other fish in the tank for these fish is needed, along with your source water parameters (GH, KH and pH of your tap water).

Sorry I'm still new to this site , still trying to work it all out x
This thread was started in the Brackish forum...that may have been a simple error, I hope, since these fish are not brackish water species. Perhaps a moderator could move the thread... ?

Well spotted, Byron! Thread moved :)
No all in different tanks
Picture below of guppie

I can't tell, from that picture, why your guppy might look swollen, but she does look quite deformed; her tail end is very bent. Have you had her long, or do you have any idea how old she might be? I've found that very old fish often develop deformities similar to that.
She was deformed then I got her , no I don't know how old her is , sorry I can't answer much

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