Transparent Molly?


New Member
May 15, 2017
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about 4 days ago I moved my fish in my 38L tank to my new 90L tank, while I was catching my yellow Molly named Frazzle in the net, her tail started changing colour, the next day I noticed her tail, dorsal and anal fin were transparent and when i turn the blue light on the top of her head is also patchy, she's still like it no change do I need to worry? I tried to get a photo of her head you can kinda see the discolouring


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So sorry you haven't had a reply yet; apologies!

Have you tested the water at all and, if so, what were the results?

Did you cycle the new tank before you moved the fish, and/or did you move all the filter media from their old tank?

Do you know the hardness of your water?

Exactly how many fish, of what species, do you have?
that's ok thank you for the reply! I did test my water everything was perfect except a high PH which I've always had because Nelson water PH always sits around 8.0 I've now got some stuff to keep it at 7.0 in hope that helps, I cycled it for 4 days with already cycled media before adding them to the tank but she changed colour when I was catching her in the net. there were 8 Black Neon Tetras, 3 Molly's and 2 Platys originally but as of yesterday I moved my 8 Blue Neon Tetras 2 Guppies and 1 snail over into that tank too. I'm concerned about 1 of my Platys too tho he's very Lethargic but swims around fine but does hide a lot now in this new tank. He's not getting bullied and when he swims around he's fine but keeps hiding under a log and stays there for ages

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