what happened to bubbles' eye


New Member
Jun 11, 2017
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last night at feeding time everything was good, this morning when i came home from work, i noticed my fish wasnt as active as she normally is on closer inspection I noticed her eye missing, at first i thought it was her wen and it grew over her eye, then i said no cause the other eye is fine, then i thought maybe its just a glaze and she has an infection, but wouldnt it do that to the other eye or to her tank mate as well?

Tank size: 40 breeder
pH: 7
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 0
kH: 5
gH: 5
tank temp: 72

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): swimming sloly not like her, her eye is either clouded over or missing, please help im so worried

Volume and Frequency of water changes: bi weekly

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank:

Tank inhabitants: a black moore gold fish (theyve been together for a little over 2 years, bought at the same time)

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):none

Exposure to chemicals:prime (with water changes)

Digital photo (include if possible):
Can we get some better pictures of the eye?
From the one picture it looks like the eye is completely gone, which she can adapt to well enough.

If the eye is clouded over that could be either bacterial or fungal, in which case simply doing a few extra large water changes can do the trick (if the case isn't severe) or using some meds will clear it up.

You never said how much water you are changing every week, could you tell us?
oh shoot sorry, i forgot, lol i do 25 to 40 percent, ill try to get a better picture its hard with her but she never cooperates when taking pictures lol
this is the best one of the 20 i just took lol
do you think shes in alot of pain?


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Looks like the eye is still intact, but it looks very infected/damaged. Did this happen overnight? Either way I would be keeping the water extra clean/fresh. Can't say if the eye will recover enough to see out of, but time will tell. Just make sure it's getting enough food.

It is possible that the eye was damaged vie hitting a decoration. This is why it is often recommended to keep very few if any plastic plants/ornaments in fancy goldfish tanks.

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