Platy struggling!


New Member
May 15, 2017
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Help! Just a couple days ago my brothers Guppy was found dead but I have no idea how long he's been on the tank dead I got him out ASAP suspected to be beaten up. Now his Platy is floating at the bottom and I'm afraid my nitrate or ammonia has spiked but it's only her but I don't drive so can't get to the pet store to test my water until tomorrow, she's once swum to the top then gave up and sunk, she's swimming less and less and is a different shape to normal help, she also sits on the plants. I did an emergency water change last night


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Do another partial water change today, just in case. Knowing the water test results will be very helpful, keep us updated.
I have done another water change since 25%, I just don't drive so I can't get to the pet store, I thought I got the strips that test everything but only got the PH on accidently but PH is 7.5
I got my water tested the next day, the deaths caused an ammonia spike and my N02 and N03 were very high so am now treating my tank. But they are not the cause of the deaths they said .-. Thankfully all my other fish are still fine tho
I got my water tested the next day, the deaths caused an ammonia spike and my N02 and N03 were very high so am now treating my tank
How are you treating the water?

The only thing you need is water changes
All I do is normal water changes, but I've now added some Bacteria to try and help as the place I got my water tested at said and have now started changes every 3rd day and getting it checked at the end of every week to make sure the levels are going down
I wont comment on the bacteria addative because I have no idea what it is. Also if your tank is cycled you dont need it.

Is your tank cycled?

I got my water tested the next day, the deaths caused an ammonia spike and my N02 and N03 were very high so am now treating my tank. But they are not the cause of the deaths they said .-
Did they say what caused the deaths?

You also need a test kit.
I have Cermatic noodles and they told me that was fine to use, I got the tank off a friend and it was cycled and has been for 6 months so I have no idea why the sudden changes. My Guppy im still unsure and my Platy died 4 days later after her spine suddenly curved and she couldn't swim, someone said TB someone else said it's a genetical thing. I think the guppy tho, he was always nipping at one of my neons and I think he may have finally had enough and got back at him as I found a couple small wounds on him. I know I need a testing kit I did actually go in to buy one to another place but they only gave me PH not a testing kit for everything and I didn't know that till i got home.

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