update on my betta pls help


New Member
Apr 1, 2017
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I recently posted a thread about how my betta was inactive and other stuff I explained (link to thread is http://www.fishforums.net/threads/help-betta-is-inactive.444894/#post-3766125 ) and I did everything that people suggested (basically everything I was able to) and I didn't notice any of them working. I just vacuumed my gravel and did a deep clean of the tank.
My pH is 7.6 (it's been like that since I got my fish)
Nitrite is 0 and ammonia is 0.25
Nitrate is 0
Tank size is 2.5 gallons, I don't have much money to upgrade it...
I just finished up doing a week long aquarium salt treatment (since he's had a very mild case of fin rot but his fins aren't healing probably because of something else) and now I'm wondering if it's best to just wait it out and do things normally? This began right after I got home from a vacation, and before that I added a snail (that my fish acted fine around).
I also notice white streaks on my fish's fins.

My questions are should I wait it out? And is there anything else I can do? Please respond soon, thanks.


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Well, there's a few things you can still do besides nothing.

  1. Reduce/remove light for a while. That tank looks exceedingly bright. Bettas are not fish from open water and bright lights, they are from murky rice pattys and similar.
  2. Add some floating plants... this will help the fish settle in and feel more comfortable in its home.
  3. Add some dark paper to the back (outside) of the tank, as again, this will reduce light in the tank (and best of all help his color to,really pop when he's out and about!)
  4. Water changes... lots of water changes. The best thing for almost any fish ailment is fresh, clean water. Add the new water slowly and try to get it as close to the exact temp as possible. Siphoning rather than pouring the water in will help reduce stress during the water change. Changing half a gallon or so every other day will keep the water as close to pristine as possible.
  5. If you can add a few more plants, like anubias or java fern, these will also help him settle in. They are super simple to grow (just add water) and will help. Once you add the plants, you can consider the light again. Anubias and java fern will be fine with just the ambient light of the room from the look of it. These should not be "planted", but tied on to something in the tank and allow the rhizome to stay in the water column. If the rhizome is buried, these plants will die and rot (fouling your water).
  6. Finally, if you can add a bit of almond leaves or oak leaves (clean only) these will leach tannins I to the water. These will darken the water a bit (giving it a bit of a yellowish-brown tint), add some chemicals to the water which act as a tonic for the fish (phenols) and help the fish again to calm down.

I assume the white lines you described are stress bars.

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