Betta Dark Spots


New Member
Apr 13, 2017
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Around a week ago I brought home a new Betta, and for the past few days he's been pretty inactive. This morning he finally started swimming around, but he has some dark spots on his head , each one about the size of his eye (and some merging together - they look like some of his scales were plucked out) that weren't there last night. he's being kept in an 8 gallon tank i've filled with water from my active 20 gallon community tank, both kept at 78 degrees. Any ideas what it could be and how to treat it?


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It looks like his coloration is changing, which is normal. Has he displayed any more symptoms?
Not really, actually he's been really active today after 5 days of nothing. That being said, if it would just be him marbling out wouldn't the color of the scales just change rather than him shedding scales? it's kind of hard to see but it looks like he's missing a layer of scales where the new black areas appeared.

He looks like he has Dragon scale and the coloration on his head is normal.
Thanks! I hope you're right, guess i'll just have to wait and see.
as nick said it is normal for many verities of bettas to do this; changing coloration slightly and nothing to worry about. Beautiful betta btw.
Actually since then he grew new scales the same color as his body where the black spots were, so I'm still pretty sure he lost some scales (tough to spot in the picture but it definitely didn't look like darker coloration). Anyway it doesn't really matter now since he's back to normal now, and I took out the plastic plants that probably caused it. Still good to know that he might change color though!

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