(Update with videos) Can someone help me identify what this is on my Angelfish?


New Member
Jun 6, 2013
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Videos: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7KvvfvNfVH6cWJCcmc4UHpPREU/view?usp=sharing

Pictures should be attached. My nitrate levels are normally around 5-10ppm, all other levels normal. 65 gallon planted tank, all the other fish seem normal(except for a Platy who seems to have a cut on his side) Some people had mentioned in my last thread that it could be fungal/hole in the head disease. It seemed to get better for a little bit after I posted and then it's seemed to have come back and is looking worse. I can run out to my local aquarium shop tomorrow and get whatever medication you guys suggest, I just want to make sure it's safe to treat my whole tank (I don't have my isolation tank set up yet unfortunately due to a recent move) and I really want to try to save this guy. Please let me know what you guys think/any questions you have. I really appreciate all of your help.


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hi, I'm no expert but it looks like Hexamita to me, id try to feed him only New Life Spectrum Hex Shield, dose the tank with seachem stressguard or something similar and keep water conditions pristine.
dose the tank with seachem stressguard or something
So put chemicals in the tank without knowing what you are treating? Clean warm treated water and lots of it is best until you know what you are dealing with
with all due respect i just informed him what it was... And yes stressguard is wonderful stuff, I would use it.

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