Finally Stocked my 75 gallon today.


Jun 2, 2016
Reaction score
I went with my first choice, Pictus Catfish. Could not find the kind of Angel Fish I wanted and I saw these cute little pictus today. I couldn't help myself. They are just a little over an inch long right now. They are so cute.

My stocking

3 Pictus Catfish
6 Cories
1 Powder Blue Gouramie

They are all babies and pretty much lost in that big space with all that drift wood, plants and rocks. I was going to take some pics, but like I said, they are lost in there! So much space and such little fish....
I am going to try to get some photos today. I tried last night but the fish, finally out and about where I could find them, would not be still. LOL
IMG_3118.JPG IMG_3119.JPG IMG_3124.JPG IMG_3139.JPG IMG_3141.JPG IMG_3146.JPG

Sorry the pics are not the best. I will try to do better ones later. I just could not get clear shots.
It really looks a lot better than the pictures show. For some reason I can't get clear pics
Sometimes it can be easier to do a video with fish that don't hold still. Then all you have to do is upload it to YouTube and if you don't want it public, just mark it as unlisted. Then you can share the link here and we can watch it! Lol. Just a thought.
Thank you! I have worked so hard on this tank. I can't believe how it has progressed and changed over the last year.

I have never done a video or YouTube. I might try that. And if I do all of you might be sorry I learned how! LOL
OMG it looks so beautiful! The fish look super happy with their home!
Please try a video!!!
This is a beautiful tank and is inspiration for me! I have a question! What kind of substrate is that, Julielynn? And are you considering stocking with more fish, if so, what're you thinking?

I have an empty 50 gallon just waiting to get a shipment of parts and then I'm going to do a build up. First thing I'm trying to settle is substrate. Since I want a cory Army I know I'm gonna need sand of some kind. I like what you've got there!

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