Filter flow question


Jun 2, 2016
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Does anyone know of a good way to make the flow less powerful from the filter. It is a HOB, on my 10 gallon, that as of today has a Betta in it.

I have it turned down to the least flow I can, but it is still too much for the betta. I can tell it is really moving him around quite a bit. He can not just causally float the way Bettas do. I see him fighting current.

My beneficial bacteria are living in that filter, I know I need that. So do any of you have any tricks or fixes that would help slow the flow some?
Hello I have an HOB on my 10
Gallon too, I struggled with keeping the flow down for my Bettas, and what seems
To work best is bending a net and putting an air stone in it, I'm not sure if the airstone is needed but HOB filters aren't always the best way to single handedly oxygenate an aquarium, I put the net directly by the "flow area" the Bubbles of an airstone are also contained inside the mesh fish net
I'll show you what I mean
And sorry for the philodendron in the filter, just another way of natural filtration


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As you can see the tank may have to be orientated at the far left or right of the tank, I bent the net so it would fit the aquarium, therewill be a very minuscule amount of flow, but my Bettas got used to that after a few days and now they like going into the current, strange huh? Does it have tank mates? If so an airtsone would be very important. Also you may have to raise your water level so the filter is not trickling in the water. Thanks!
The water level is at the top of the tank now. I don't like to see a water line. I guess I am just weird that way. LOL
I guess the plant and the net somehow slow the flow from the filter? I have an air stone in the tank now. I ended up unplugging the filter and he is much happier now. I know it can't stay off forever, but for tonight it will do.
Sorry to confuse you, the plants in the tank are just their for atheistic and water maintenance purposes, they really do not affect the flow rate, what does is the mesh net, as it acts as a barrier. What kind of filter do you have? Brand wise
Some people have baffled their hob with part of a plastic bottle under where the water comes out. There are YouTube videos of it I think but I've never tried it myself. They say it seems to work good though!

Here's one!!

I have used a baffle before and it works pretty well.I allso make my tanks water go up to where the filter output begins and baffle it there because then that really cuts down the flow.

This may just be too much for a 10 gallon. I don't know. It says it is rated for 10 to 30 gallons. It does not cause that much water turbulence when at it lowest rate, but it is still too much for the Betta. I got this filter because I like canisters and this one allowed for layering of media, like a canister, although it is HOB.
I will try the art of baffeling and see if I can cut the flow.
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This is what I finally decided on and it is working great. I just took a small cut piece of filter media and laid it in the flow. I can't believe how well it is working. My little Betta is swimming everywhere now.
That works ;)

Baffle is what i was going to say, same as cowgirluntamed. There are a few ways to slow flow down on any number of filter types, just a case of trial and error to see which works best.

The filter sponge or filter floss in the water flow chanel of the HOB is a good one, it also as the added benefit of catching any fine debris that may have gone through the filter itself so a nice bonus in keeping your water nice and clear ;)

Just got to remember to clean / rinse out that sponge on a regular basis otherwise it gets clogged and reduces the flow even more.

Btw aquaclear HOB's are good, I rate these little filters as well as one or two members I know of really swears by aquaclear. I have aquaclear pumps and they've always worked and quaility of these are pretty decent. A good choice imho.
I just figure it shouldn't get that dirty since the water, in theory anyway, is supposed to be clean when it returns to the tank. But we all know that is not always the case. But this is really working great
Someone told that after the little fish was living in that cup, it probably now thinks it is in the ocean LOL

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