Is my Platy going to give birth soon?


New Member
Jan 27, 2017
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Hi everyone,

I am new to livebearers, but have had our 55 gal tank with 2 Angelfish and some Tetras for 2 years. We got 4 Platys about 6 weeks ago.

I am hoping someone here can tell me when I can expect babies to be born. I am watching her closely because I want to save as many as I can. I have the little floating baby hide outs, and tons of plants throughout the tank, but still don't feel like that's enough protection from the other fish. I also have a breeder box to put the fry in once they arrive.

Any other advice to prepare for the birth?

Thanks in advance!
Looks like it. To be sure, go buy a fry trap. It's like a breeder box but has small vents so when she gives birth, plop her inside and the babies just fall through the vents and are protected.
Thanks! She didn't have them last night, and I'm also wondering why she doesn't have the dark spot on her backside like most Platy's do when they are going to give birth? I thought the breeder boxes stressed them out? I have a mesh one for once the fry are born. Should I put her in there? Also, do they ever give birth during the day?
Livebearers never really get stressed out. A breeder box would be fine.

You will never know, it will just happen.

Sometimes they may or may not have a gravid spot, but if you are worried about losing fry just put her in the box to be safe. Feed her frozen blood worms or frozen brine shrimp to speed up process.
Turn lights out if she shows signs of stress in the box, and don't peak lol.

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