Dwarf Gourami Worms?


New Member
Jan 15, 2017
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I have a 10g tank with 8 glowlight tetras and a dwarf gourami. All the numbers are good, Ammonia and Nitrite 0ppm, Nitrate 0~5ppm. I do weekly 1/3 water changes. The tank has been running for ~4 months.

Anyhow, I had three male dwarf gourami in the tank - I know now that this was almost definitely too many in too small a tank, I was following advice from my local fish shop, specialists and seemingly very knowledgable, but I'm beginning to get the impression that $ are more important to them than happy fish.

So all of my DGs have had what appears to be long stringy white faeces, which has so far resulted in two of them bloating up, laying at the bottom of the tank and eventually dying. The third one still appears to be otherwise healthy, but I'm worried that the same outcome is inevitable.

My fish shop advised that this is definitely worms and send me home with Praziquantel to treat. I've run two treatments (no activated carbon) through the tank and didn't manage to save either of the first two, and the third is still trailing around his poop tail. Can anyone confirm this diagnosis, or perhaps offer an alternative?




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