Pregnant Guppy with scales sticking out?


New Member
Oct 25, 2016
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Hey guys,
So I have three pregnant guppies, and one of them is a very pale, irridescent yellow, and so her gravid spot isn't really grey or black, it's more like a translucent peachy colour. She was slowly getting bigger and bigger until one morning I wake up, and she's huge! So now the scales on her fat tummy are protruding slightly, you can't see it in be pictures though. I don't want to believe it's dropsy because she is otherwise acting healthy, still feeding, still the same level of activity and a bit of odd swimming because she's so big. I read that during dropsy the only reason the scales protrude is because of the extreme swelling. So do you think they could just be protruding because of how big she is? If that's the case, then how did she seemingly get huge overnight?
Thank you for any thoughts, I hope she will be okay!


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If it's only some of the scales on her belly sticking out a tiny bit, then I wouldn't worry about it. Dropsy would mean that all the scales from nose to tail are sticking out. Try getting pictures from a top view in good lighting and I can tell you if it's really dropsy or not.
As for her getting bigger over night, she could be getting really close to dropping fry. A couple days before they burst they always get huge.

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