Weird angle fish egg problem, any ideas?


New Member
Oct 25, 2016
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I have had a fresh batch of eggs this week and I'm trailing to raise them in a new breeding system (jar and air stone) I have had great success until I got to day 3-4 and a lot of the eggs produced an fungus that I'm not familiar with.. usually my eggs just turn white if they have fungus or are infertile shown the in photo 1 but I am getting small white balls hanging off the side of my eggs shown in photo 2

also the hatching process is taking a little longer for small amount of still fertile eggs are up to 90+ hours and no sign of tails but still looking healthy shown in photo 3 What is the maximum time people have seen it for angle fish eggs to hatch

I'm thinking it may have something to do with the air stone being on to high at times or potentially a chance in the water conditions in town water as I was finding a higher white egg count after doing water changes in the jar

Anyway any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated as I don't want to loss this batch of eggs :)


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Hi, I have hatched angelfish eggs in the past and find that methylene blue really helps keep fungus down, also you should not change any water for at least a week and transfer the eggs form the parent tank with the same water. Any water changes should be very small and temperature matched as they are very sensitive to changes at this stage, ideally use the water from the parent tank. I would also give them a bigger container to hatch out in, I started with a 20L tank as the smaller the container the more sudden the changes otherwise.

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