Fish Fanatic
I picked up some new things from the pet store and decided to really decorate my tanks. I'm so happy how they turned out so I thought I'd share them! I'm quite new to plants so I thought I'd try some more out. They really bring the tank together and my fish love them!
The first tank is a 3.5g with my Betta Dante. It has a twisted root ornament, two little jelly fish, and some Rotala Indica I put through the bottom of the ornament. There's also a snail, and gravel as a substrate.
The second tank is a 10g with my female Betta Velvet. It has a log ornament, two lily fake plants, a small Hygrophila corymbosa, a some Brazilian Pennwort, and a snail. Also has gravel.
I would love your opinions!
Do keep in mind I'm fairly new at this. XD
The first tank is a 3.5g with my Betta Dante. It has a twisted root ornament, two little jelly fish, and some Rotala Indica I put through the bottom of the ornament. There's also a snail, and gravel as a substrate.
The second tank is a 10g with my female Betta Velvet. It has a log ornament, two lily fake plants, a small Hygrophila corymbosa, a some Brazilian Pennwort, and a snail. Also has gravel.
I would love your opinions!