Tetra Whisper Power Filters


Jun 2, 2016
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I got one of these for the 10 gallon that I set up.  Here is a link to it   http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_display.cfm?pcatid=3643&prodid=16666&catid=3
It uses these Whisper Bio-Bags, here it the link to them    http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_display.cfm?pcatid=4204#BVQAWidgetID
Has anyone had any trouble out the bio bags except me?  I  just took it out to rinse it, I thought maybe the cloudiness would clear up, and it just fell apart.  I have never seen anything like that happen before.  The bag stuff is so thin, the charcoal was falling out. And it is very hard to get back in the filter, almost as if it is not meant to fit that filter.  
I will be looking for something to replace the bio bags with. They are pretty useless I think. Or at least the one I have is.  Too big and to flimsy.   
Has anyone here ever had to do this? And if so what did you replace it with? I am used to the carbon filter media, I have it in my 55 gallon, but I have never had one fall apart or not fit properly. They are Aqua Tech filter medias and they work great.
( this is not a review on drsfostersmith.com  I love that place and get a lot of stuff from them.  I just want to know if any of you have ever had to do this and if so what did you do it with?)
Am confused, Bio media bags? Do you mean just carbon? In which case you don't need it, It's overpriced, oversold useless. 
As for media, You can buy bags on ebay to hold media in if you break them. There fairly cheap, Atleast in the UK.
Also, You aren't rinsing it under a tap right? Always wash media in tank water so you don't kill off the bacteria, Tap water have chemicals that will kill your cycle. Cloudiness is normally a bacteria bloom, Common in new tanks as the cycle starts, How old is the tank?
The tank is new, I only have plants in it right now.  The water is just cloudy, so I thought if I maybe rinsed the charcoal filter bag that maybe it would clear up. It is now in the trash can. LOL
But this is not the bio filter that you never take out and throw away.  I have never seen anything like this before.  It is called a bio bag and it is some sort of foam stuff with a teeny tiny bit of carbon in it. You slide it over this frame and it comes with a clip at the top.  It is totally useless, imo, and when I tried to take it out, pieces of carbon went everywhere and it started falling apart. Not to mention that it seems to be too big for the housing. The frame is just a little to big I think, and it is laying here now in front of me bent...just from putting it in and taking it out.   I would not even have gotten this kind of power filter had I known those "bio bags" were this worthless.
I just now finished a search for something compatible. I know I don't really need carbon but I have always used the filters that came with my 55 gallon tank. They are so easy to use, easy to rinse, easy to replace, and never has one fell apart like that.  They are Aqua Tech filters.   I found some Aqua Tech ones online at Wal Mart and ordered them. They are almost the exact same size so they should fit nicely in the filter housing.
I finally found a filter that will work in the Tetra Whisper Power Filter that I got for 10 gallon.  Thank goodness because those bio bag filter cartridges are awful, or mine was. It, as I said before, just fell apart when I took it out. 
I posted some pictures so hopefully my quest will help others if they are experiencing the same issue.
  This one works great!!  Thank goodnes I found it.                 67d7a346-10b9-4108-904a-e2c993288e04_1.dda59c1dbd6021f2e2c21973db056ebc.jpeg
These are the bio things that come with the whisper filter. They are awful...or the ones I got were anyway.    286e932f-0ca1-4412-ab52-c1ce689874de_1.d21a837209cd88c74ac8c7296f9fa7e3.jpeg

I wanted to show the pics also to clear up any confusion as to the "bio bags" being "biological filter"   They aren't the same. These are what hold the charcoal. Awful design, just awful...in my opinion anyway...for what it is worth

You just have to find the correct dimensions that will fit the Tetra Whisper Filter that you own.  Hope this helps someone. I have gotten so much good advice I feel I need to give something back to the forum.  
I have a couple of those type filters. Leftovers really. Not my favorite, but good for extra surface agitation.
I never use those biobags. I just cut some sponge to fit, grab a small bag ceramic media, and a spot of floss.
Other than removal of meds, I haven't used charcoal in years.

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