Electric Blue Acara Questions

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Jun 26, 2016
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Hey Guys,
  Just wondering if anyone has experience or knowledge on the Electric Blue Araca? I bought one about 2 months ago.  First time I've ever seen one.  But before I bought it I read up on them, and as far as aggression goes, all I've read is that they are pretty peaceful for a Cichlid.  That they can be in a community tank with fish around it's size.  I know that they are a hybrid of a Electric Blue Ram & and Blue Acara.  Just recently he's been bullying my Bolivian Rams, I have 2 of those. He was fine at first for a while, but every time they come into sight he goes right for them.  I have a 60 gallon with a lot of hiding spaces, and I just added more hiding spots.  I've talked to people that have both fishes in their tanks and they have no problems.  So either, I've read wrong, or my EBA is just a butthead.  He seems very hyper and swims all over the place, doesn't just hang out at the bottom. Thanks


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I'm pretty sure they are not hybrids at least between rams and acaras. They seem to be based on a colour variation of the blue acara. From what I've read they behave much like normal blue acaras, (which incidently was the first tropical fish I ever kept) and so are relatively peaceful for fish of their size. You might just be unlucky to have an aggressive one.
Apparently these guys are a man made hybrid....electric blue ram/acara xbreed
Never heard of electric blue acaras being a hybrid fish (ram x acara). They are man made variant of the blue acara. 
I've heard people often mistaking young electric blue acaras for electric blue rams though, and vice versa.
As for care:
Temperature: 78-80 degrees F
PH: 6.5 - 7, but these fish are tolerant of varied water conditions. Raised mine in city tap water before (water here is ideal for African cichlids, to give you a sense of how hard it is)
Max size: 5" (Biggest I've seen)
Temperament: Semi-aggressive - aggressive (varies with all individuals)

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