It is highly unlikely that phosphates is causing black brush algae. And the advice early on to encourage green algae to lose black brush algae is rather silly; problem algae is a problem, whatever type, and as all of it is due to the same thing, it is going to be more advantageous to find what is out of balance. The balance of light and nutrients is what promotes plants, weakens plants, prevents problem algae, or causes problem algae.
On the phosphates, what unit of measurement does your test use? Diana Walstad has phosphates between 1 and 5 mg/l (milligrams per litre) in her tanks, and no algae issues. She writes that it is next to impossible to have phosphate so low in an aquarium that it will actually limit algae ( which can occur in nature) as the phosphates would have to be no higher than 0.02 mg/l which is impossible to achieve in a tank with fish being fed. Phosphates primarily appear in fish food, and if you feed your fish, you will see phosphate at some level.
I have had black brush algae appear due to bright or long duration light, excess plant fertilisation, too little light (weak tubes, need replacement regularly) and too little fertilisers. In other words, anything that causes an imbalance in the balance, so to speak.
On the phosphates, what unit of measurement does your test use? Diana Walstad has phosphates between 1 and 5 mg/l (milligrams per litre) in her tanks, and no algae issues. She writes that it is next to impossible to have phosphate so low in an aquarium that it will actually limit algae ( which can occur in nature) as the phosphates would have to be no higher than 0.02 mg/l which is impossible to achieve in a tank with fish being fed. Phosphates primarily appear in fish food, and if you feed your fish, you will see phosphate at some level.
I have had black brush algae appear due to bright or long duration light, excess plant fertilisation, too little light (weak tubes, need replacement regularly) and too little fertilisers. In other words, anything that causes an imbalance in the balance, so to speak.