Feeding My Newly Adopted Corys


Fish Fanatic
Dec 10, 2013
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I have a 20g long, heavily planted fully cycled. I was going to add 10 pygmy corydoras this week (I had already posted about my tank being ok for these) but a friend of mine had a tank disaster and I ended up taking his 6 emerald green cory off him (his tank split at the base and lost 90% of the water before he could do anything). I know a 20g long isn't ideal for 6 cory, but it's better than the alternative.

My question is on feeding them. I'd bought some shrimp cuisine already for the pygmy as I'd heard they like these, and I already had some Hikari Micro Pellets (the cory seem to love these as they haven't left a single pellet as of yet) and some algae wafers.

This is what I have to feed them (the sinking wafers came today after I ordered them online yesterday), I'm open to any other suggestions, but for now what would be the recommendation for the 6 out of this list of food; how much & how often. So far I've added a pinch of Micro Pellets/Shrimp Cuisine 3 times a day since yesterday morning and all food has been eaten.
I also have 4 Amano Shrimp in the tank (I will be adding another 6 of these early next week).
For fish I will be adding Neon Tetra in another 5/6 months.
that food will be ok for cories ... but I feed mine this as I've found it the best food available in the UK
And they love it. New Era recently changed their name to Vitalis so if you decide to try their cory pellets you might find it under that name instead. It's made in the UK - Doncaster in Yorkshire I believe - and I like to support British small business where I can :)
Akasha72 said:
that food will be ok for cories ... but I feed mine this as I've found it the best food available in the UK
And they love it. New Era recently changed their name to Vitalis so if you decide to try their cory pellets you might find it under that name instead. It's made in the UK - Doncaster in Yorkshire I believe - and I like to support British small business where I can
You mean Hikari isn't British, but it sounds so local :) Obviously I jest.

I will have a look for some of those, in the meanwhile I don't want to waste what I have so do you have any experience in the foods I already have?

I certainly don't mind buying more food, it will all get eaten eventually I'm sure haha
I used to feed Hikari wafers in my early days but I found they caused some water issues (Nitrite spikes mostly) so you'll need to feed in an area where you can keep a watch on things and when they've finished clean up any remaining wafer
I feed Tetra Prima to my top dwellers and my angels and I've not found an issue with that so my guess would be that the Tetra food will fine :)
You'll be fine using the foods you have :)
The only slight warning is not to feed too many algae wafers. Neither corydoras nor shrimps are true obligate algae eaters, so once or twice a week with the wafers is plenty, and stick to the meatier foods for the rest of the time.
fluttermoth said:
You'll be fine using the foods you have

The only slight warning is not to feed too many algae wafers. Neither corydoras nor shrimps are true obligate algae eaters, so once or twice a week with the wafers is plenty, and stick to the meatier foods for the rest of the time.
Yeah, I already had the algae wafers in these weren't intended for feeding the cory on a regular basis. Thanks.
Akasha72 said:
I used to feed Hikari wafers in my early days but I found they caused some water issues (Nitrite spikes mostly) so you'll need to feed in an area where you can keep a watch on things and when they've finished clean up any remaining wafer
I feed Tetra Prima to my top dwellers and my angels and I've not found an issue with that so my guess would be that the Tetra food will fine
I have found the Vitalis Catfish Pellets on eBay for £5.39 delivered for the 120g tub so I am ordering some and will try them out. I think having a good mix of foods they will eat is always a bonus. Can I just check, the link you pointed me to on Amazon was for 1.5mm pellets, was this intentional or can the 1mm be used also? I don't think there is a price difference but just wanted to ask. Thanks.
Also, my LFS gets a fresh supply of live foods every Thursday including live bloodworm. Would this be ok on a weekly basis?
check the pellet size and they come as a micro size too ... designed for cory fry mostly. If it has a picture of a bronze cory on the tub that's the size you'll need :)
Akasha72 said:
check the pellet size and they come as a micro size too ... designed for cory fry mostly. If it has a picture of a bronze cory on the tub that's the size you'll need
Thank you :)

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