So i had just gotten my Cichlids for my 55Gal tank (5 Total for now)
Colors currently
3Yellow ( lightening yellow )
1 Orange( Peacock baby probaly )
1 Dark Blue/Blackish
Tank has been set up for 2 months now, Added All of my snails( 40+ )+3 Corys to my 55 to get the Cycling going. for the 2 months
Added the Cories after 2 weeks after a Water Change and a Nitrite/ammonia test read 10PPT(PPm i think). Now as a 0 on all but nitrate as thats 1.25PPm(PPT)
Colors currently
3Yellow ( lightening yellow )
1 Orange( Peacock baby probaly )
1 Dark Blue/Blackish
Tank has been set up for 2 months now, Added All of my snails( 40+ )+3 Corys to my 55 to get the Cycling going. for the 2 months
Added the Cories after 2 weeks after a Water Change and a Nitrite/ammonia test read 10PPT(PPm i think). Now as a 0 on all but nitrate as thats 1.25PPm(PPT)