Weird Firemouth Cichlid Sore?


Mostly New Member
Mar 22, 2016
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Hey all!
So I noticed this morning that my Firemouth Cichlid, who is a beautiful male i named Susan (XD), has what looks like a white blob/sore thing around the anal region. What on earth could this be? I've never noticed it on him before. I'll upload a picture of it, its a little hard to see, but if you look closely/zoom in around that area you'll see it. Any ideas? Im pretty worried about him
He's swimming around as per normal, seems perfectly fine, but this isn't something I'm familiar with

Thanks in advance!
I'm probably wrong, but it almost looks like a breeding tube.
Oh jesus XD Ok so he's fine then? hahaha! Wow, no wonder he's been a little crankier than usual... Whats the best thing to do for him? Should i get a female for him, or will this go away on its own? Im sorry for being such a novice. I was given these fish and I'm trying my best to give them the care they need. :) He shares a tank with a mixed community of fish (including a Purple Spotted Gudgeon, a rainbow shark and 2 Bala sharks). 
Thanks for the quick responses guys. I had a feeling it had something to do with a reproductive organ, but just thought I'd check with experienced fish keepers :)
I have no experience with firemouths, but I read they become more aggressive when spawning. Since they are substrate spawners, your sharks and gudgeon might get a beating if he gets a female.
If you do want to get him a mate, it'd be best to buy a small group of firemouths so he can choose. I'd only recommend this if you have a large-ish tank, but like I said, I don't have any experience with these. c:
Here's a good profile for them:
Thanks LyraGuppi! I think i'll just leave him as he is :) A few of my other fish, such as the Gudgeon, seem to have their breeding tubes down now too, so I guess it's just the time to breed (despite the fact that its Autumn here and quite cold haha :p

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