Help Just Got Tank With Juwel Filter Very Slow ?


Jul 1, 2008
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just transfered lido 120 fish tank to mine.
the juwel filter comes on but is very very slow.
do i need to prime , how do i get going ??????
help plz
Is this a used or new filter? Did you check the impeller and rinse the filter media?
Hiya, if it's slow the media wants a swish and as pointed out above - check the impeller. Also check the outlet nozzle isn't blocked. If you need any more help I'll be around for another hour or so :)
got it going by sticking finger in hole lol.  thanks
it was already set up not opened yet.  (apart from changing floss at top )  (transfered tank just purchased)

how do i know what model it is? so i know what media /foams to buy
cant see fill level how near top of filter does water go , ideally.

can i only use a jewel heater go inside filter.
tank has heater seperate in tank and like to put one in filter ????????????
pop to Jewel's website again and schroll across until the Lido range comes up. There's only 2 in the Lido range either the 120 or the 200. There's dimensions there so you should be able to work out which it is by the measurements.
If it were me I'd only try to fit a Juwel heater into the box. I'd be worried a different brand wouldn't fit.
There should be a sticker near the top of glass that says "fill level" and a red line. The Rekord has a minimum fill level line and a maximum - no idea what the Lido will have. My Rio just has one line.
Has that answered everything?
yes thanks

Bioflow 3.0 filter system
lido 120
got load of floss with it so that helps and a carbon cartridge too.
will put a pic up once sorted
many thanks
this is it , bit of work to do but nice so far


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looks good and in good nick too! Second hand tanks can be a real bargain :D
Love these tanks, put the model in the search on this forum as there are some lovely examples.

Rather than putting a finger "up the hole" use a small bottle brush, or filter wool with the end of a teaspoon handle (kept only for the aquarium), or cotton buds. These will then remove any muck inside, to assist the impeller.

Warning with new filters, always check the internal contents as sometimes all the sponges etc are in sealed bags, thus will not work!

Many people take the Juwel filters out, as they find they are not very good. I bought a second hand Juwel Vision, with two external Ehiem filters included :-

More info here if you wanted to see it:
yes was £125 with loads of stuff , cabinet perfect and tank really good too. they are very dear new.
air pump, WC, filter boost, fish, bogwood that i didnt put in, test kits etc etc.
very pleased with it. need a new heater tho as its too hot and wont go down. 28C what ever i do.
think they are used to it , water did fill hot as we carried it back in buckets.
not keeping many of the fish tho. plants need a tidy etc.
t5 light well bright on that tank (difficult getting pics tho)
to right of filter i can see lots of much between filter and glass , will i be able to get in there to clean?.

RCA said:
Love these tanks, put the model in the search on this forum as there are some lovely examples.

Rather than putting a finger "up the hole" use a small bottle brush, or filter wool with the end of a teaspoon handle (kept only for the aquarium), or cotton buds. These will then remove any muck inside, to assist the impeller.

Warning with new filters, always check the internal contents as sometimes all the sponges etc are in sealed bags, thus will not work!

Many people take the Juwel filters out, as they find they are not very good. I bought a second hand Juwel Vision, with two external Ehiem filters included

More info here if you wanted to see it:
yes nice looking tank for a small one.
yes will use a brush next time lol , done out of frustration/desperation oops
Wow, good price.

Not sure how big the gap is beside the filter for you to get into it to clean? I would use something like a ice lolly stick, or something similar that I could get between the filter and the glass to scrape it, then siphon it out.

Can you add your location to your profile as it assists in advising you ;)

Change the heater ASAP.
yes good price ive seen in other places for £170 -£190 with less than i got.
hopefully getting heater today if they have one at LFS.
RCA is my location showing? It's not for me but is it for others? I have added it to my profile but I can't work out why it's not showing
same here just changes to UK not sure its worked
oh just seen it come up after i posted this

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