

Fish Gatherer
Apr 11, 2009
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Sorry, copy and paste from the template won't work. I haven't tested parameters since this started, but if they're up, tough really, I'm changing water like a maniac as it is!
I spotted what I thought was ich on xmas eve and since have been treating with high temps, inc aeration, daily water changes and salt. I then saw a pic of ich (I know, how I got that far without seeing one, I don't know)
I lost one gourami some pics of her before she died on this thread (sorry, I can't paste anything onto this forum at all!) It's called ich qs.
The other gourami had one small patch with a tiny white spot on it. I bathed her twice for half hour each in myxazin (contains malachite green) and the white spot was gone and I was keeping an eye on the patch. Today the white spot was back so I bathed her again. Close inspection revealed her gill looks 'rotted'?
Below pics of normal (Left) and bad gill (Right) Is this the right treatment?


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Any opinions at all on this? Currently, there's about 0.25tsp/gallon of salt in the tank (remaining from misdiagnosis of ich) and temp back at 26C. Is there any advantage to leaving the salt in?
I haven't given her another bath, didn't want to stress her needlessly if it won't help. If it is fungal, is malachite green the way to go?
So, as this seems to be a disease we haven't encountered here before ;), I'll keep this as a little journal. Assuming fungal, I checked myxazin today and it says it's a bactericide, no mention of fungus, so I'm going to buy something for fungus tomorrow. Any uk suggestions welcome, thank you :)
She is still spritely, but the white spot is back.
I'm sorry to hear about your fish. I don't have an answer, just questions.
In the picture shown the fish seems to be stressed, have you noticed any other irregular behavior?
Loss of appetite?
Labored Breathing?
Darting Around?
No, she's acting completely normally. Those stripes I took for stress stripes initially, but I think they're markings on honey gourami females, though I can't remember where I saw that.
I've bought king british fin rot and fungus, active ingredient 2-phenoxyethanol, so we'll see how that goes...
So she's been in a hospital tank with daily 50% water changes and redoing of the king british, as directed on the bottle.
Obviously, the damage isn't going to heal up overnight, I can't see any evidence of fungus anymore, if indeed there ever was any.
Does this look like it needs further treatment?


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