My Frogs :)

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Fish Crazy
Feb 24, 2014
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Hello everyone, 

I just wanted to introduce my 2 new African dwarf frogs as well as to show off my frog I've had for a few months. 
These pictures are of my two new blonde african dwarf frogs, named Froakie and Mudkip. They are really tiny, probably only a bit bigger than my thumb nail if they had their legs tucked in. They are both living in my 5 gallon tank that will soon have a marimo moss ball carpet. 
And this is Ginger, she is at least double if not triple the size of my other two and I have had her since August (she is also the one in my profile picture). When I bought her, she did have a friend in with her and his name was Ale (get it? Ginger Ale? haha) but he ended up passing away. Ginger currently is living in my divided 10 gallon tank with my betta. But once Froakie and Mudkip get larger Ginger will be moving in with them. 
Just a quick question, how many blood worms/brine shrimp would you feed the little guys? Ginger eats about 4 blood worms when I feed her, so I gave Froakie and Mudkip 1 and a half each and on a different day I fed them 2 brine shrimp each (Ginger gets about 5), is this enough? Or should I feed them more? 
I haven't seen the blond ones before, they're pretty cool :) They'd be nice on my dark substrate-the brown ones are hard to see.

I'm interested in what people have to say on this topic. I've read to feed them every other day till their bellies are a little rounded. I feed mine quite large bloodworm as they're easier to hold so you know everything's eaten and there aren't any rotting on the bottom. Estimating the size of their bellies, I feed 2, that's got to more than enough to fill them surely?! Though they never actually look rounded.

When I researched them before buying, it seemed the main issue people have is not realising that they won't get a look in with the fish's food, so have to be fed separately. I figure I know they're definitely getting fed a decent amount, so I'm going with that at the moment.

I just read your post about Ale, sorry to hear that :( I was searching cos I've just found one of mine dead, he looked similar to Ale, though nowhere near as bloated as some of the dropsy pics on google! I think it was dropsy though. He was fine till last night too-sigh...
Good to hear that Ginger is doing ok since, I have 3 more and I'm treating the tank for white spot (with high temps only) at the moment, so I'm glad it's not something contagious I need to treat too.
The first one looks skinny to me but as you've said they still kinda small so i guess they still need some time.

Worms in general are fattening and can cause bloating. Like poster above said, i normally feed til they are a bit swelly then withold feeding til they return to normal size again. Frogs are like turtles and will eat and eat til they explode so the owner must be able to discipline oneself into not giving in to pets' begging :D
ellena said:
I haven't seen the blond ones before, they're pretty cool :)

Thanks Ellena, I was so happy when I found them in the store! Thank you for your kind words about Ale, and I'm sorry to hear about your frog. Sadly a few days ago Ginger passed away too. She had hurt her foot and then some how escaped the hospital tank I put her in. When I found her in the morning she was a ready gone. On a more positive note both of my blonde frogs are doing great.

Tongue_Flicker said:
The first one looks skinny to me but as you've said they still kinda small.

Frogs are like turtles and will eat and eat til they explode so the owner must be able to discipline oneself into not giving in to pets' begging :D
Hi Neil, ya in that picture Mudkip looks really skinny, but he has definitely put on some weight since then; he's still skinny but not nearly as much. I'll post some new pictures soon.

Thanks for tip about feeding them, I'll do that next time they get worms (I've switched them to a staple diet ofor pellets).
You know how we keepers are during feeding time. We're like:

"Aww looks like my baby wants another bite. You want one more?
Last bite?"

Then we realize we like fed the whole week supply of food already and your pet is like super swelly fat lol
Awesome! I love the albino one!
I always think frogs are the most interesting things in any tank, they just look so derpy and excitable, especially when they swim to the top.
Thanks for sharing!
Sorry to hear ginger escaped her tank.  Once I found one of my frogs on a different floor of my house covered in carpet fuzz! I threw him back in not expecting much and he was fine.  Bizarre little creatures!

Tongue_Flicker said:
You know how we keepers are during feeding time. We're like:

"Aww looks like my baby wants another bite. You want one more?
Last bite?"

Then we realize we like fed the whole week supply of food already and your pet is like super swelly fat lol

Hahaha that is so true! xD In highschool I used to have a pair of rats and I do believe what you just posted is the reason they were quiet chubby.  
smudge_ said:
Awesome! I love the albino one!
I always think frogs are the most interesting things in any tank, they just look so derpy and excitable, especially when they swim to the top.
Thanks for sharing!
Sorry to hear ginger escaped her tank.  Once I found one of my frogs on a different floor of my house covered in carpet fuzz! I threw him back in not expecting much and he was fine.  Bizarre little creatures!
I agree, they are so strange, my two albino's (who I believe to be still fairly young) are so curious when it comes to the world outside their tank. I have the tank sitting on my desk and when ever I am sitting at it they will sit in the corner closest to me, almost like the are watching my computer xD. 

That's good your frog lived through their adventure! Ginger had actually escaped once before while I was cleaning her normal tank, I had tried to scoop her out in a net and she hopped out of it, onto my dresser and then fell a meter to the floor! She then gladly crawled into my hand and she was perfectly fine o_O . She was a funny little thing. 

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