Lighting And Ferts


Fish Fanatic
Oct 2, 2014
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Looking into better lighting and ferts for my tank. Right now it just has the stock t8. 75g. Dimensions are 48l x 18w x 20h. First plants just went in this past Friday. Current plants are Melon Sword, Rose Sword, Wisteria, Money Wort, Dwarf Hairgrass, and a couple unknown plants from an old tank. Currently dosing with Flourish Excel. Planted in Eco-complete substrate. No CO2. Currently looking at EI ferts and a dual t5 light. Suggestions?
By "stock T8" do you mean one T8 tube (48-inch) or two?  If one, I would upgrade; if two 48-inch T8 tubes, you have good lighting now without diffused CO2.
Dual T5 lighting will mean two 48-inch tubes and assuming HO this will be a lot of light.  I would not go to this without diffused CO2.  I tried this over my 5-foot 115g and after a week it went back for two T8 tubes.
I would also ask if you mean Flourish Excel (the so-called liquid carbon supplement) or Flourish Comprehensive Supplement?  Quite a difference.
Just 1 t8 tube. May add co2 in the future. It's a matter of getting all the things to do it. Why did you go back?
To clarify on the light I was looking at it would hold 2 T5 54W 6500K bulbs.
Yes, Flourish Excel, not the comprehensive. Wanted to keep my tank invert safe in case we decide we want any in the future.
Flash_Fire said:
Just 1 t8 tube. May add co2 in the future. It's a matter of getting all the things to do it. Why did you go back?
Yes, Flourish Excel, not the comprehensive. Wanted to keep my tank invert safe in case we decide we want any in the future.
The T5 HO was simply far too bright; I thought to myself the poor fish would be begging me for sunglasses.  I now have two T8 4-foot tubes over this tank, see the attached photo; will also add a photo of my 70g which is close to your 75, and this tank has the same lighting (twin T8) but is on for seven hours (rather than 8 on the other tanks) to prevent algae issues.  I do not add any CO2, it is natural from the breakdown of organics.
Which brings me to the Excel.  The Flourish Comp will not harm inverts unless it is highly overdosed.  The Excel is probably not benefiting much without the other nutrients being added.  And if you are worried about things, Excel is the last chemical I would use.  This is glutaraldehyde which is a highly toxic disinfectant that will kill some plants with normal doses, and if overdosed can kill plants, fish and bacteria.


  • 115g Aug 22-14.JPG
    115g Aug 22-14.JPG
    108.5 KB · Views: 107
  • 70g Aug 15-14.JPG
    70g Aug 15-14.JPG
    104.9 KB · Views: 120
Is it now? I was worried about the Comp due to the copper sufate in it. Didn't know about the excel. What do you recommend?
EI is excellent, if you're not dosing CO2 you can probably get away with dosing at about 1/3 the normal rate, but as you're using Excel I'd keep it at full strength. Don't forget to do your 50% water changes to get rid of the organics from the extra plant growth.
If you upgrade your lighting and you see signs of CO2 deficiency (algae/clear leaves) you'll want to consider CO2 injection, but equally you could run the lights less - normally start at 6hrs after an upgrade.
Flash_Fire said:
Is it now? I was worried about the Comp due to the copper sufate in it. Didn't know about the excel. What do you recommend?
If you kjeep the present lighting, being one 48-inch T8 tube, I would recommend a Life-Glo tube.  I use this on all my single-tube tanks because it produces significantly more intensity than other tubes of the same size/wattage.  The ZooMed UltraSun is very similar and would probably work too.
With this minimal light, fertilization need not be much as it only needs to balance.  I use Flourish Comprehensive Supplement once a week, and Flourish Trace once (same time, right after the weekly 50% water change).  [I also supplement the hard minerals in three tanks as I have zero GH tap water, and some larger plants need this addition, but this would not be the case with moderately hard tap water.]  Plant nutrients come from water changes (the "hard" minerals) and fish foods.  Depending upon the GH of the water and the fish load, this can be sufficient.  But using a complete liquid is often necessary to ensure everything is being made available.  The Brightwell Aquatics line is very similar to the Flourish so their FlorinMulti is Flourish Comprehensive, etc.
The problem with EI in a low-tech setup is that you are adding far more macro nutrients but not enough micro.  Yes, it is less expensive long-term.  But I have seven planted tanks running, and I use one 2L jug of Flourish Comp and one of Flourish Trace over a full year, which is not very expensive; plus I know everything is being added and in the proportions plants use.
I have never added any form of carbon, as there is sufficient produced naturally.  I obviously have a balance, or either the plants would fail or algae would be on a rampage, and neither is the case.

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