Fish Bump Or "tumor"


Fish Fanatic
Jun 3, 2014
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Good Afternoon All, 
I need some help!
My fish which is a red-wag female platy has developed a tumor like bump on the top of her head. 
I have no clue what has happened in my tank, for example if the fish was attacked as I have been on vacation for 5 days. 
The only thing that was different that has happened was I used one of those "Topfin Weekend Feeders" in my tank.
See here
My readings for the tank are as follows:
pH - 8.0
Nitrite - 0ppm
NitrAte - 5ppm
Ammonia - 0ppm
The tank has been cycled for 4 months with weekly water changes of 25%
Here is an image of the fish (the best I could capture)
And A video
Any help would be appreciated!
Sorry I really cannot see from that picture.
If you can see into the bump - ie its filled with clear fluid it maybe just an infected scrape, extra water changes or use an antibacterial medication.
If the bump looks thick its possibly Dermocystidium -  which there is not a lot known about it, usually it is filled with a white "goo" there is no research on where they come from some sites say its fungal, some bacterial some say its a parasite (IME I dont think its a parasite) - again keep the water extra clean with extra water changes, if no improvement medication maybe needed.
If you can get a side on pic I might be able to tell.
Does the lump make the rest of the body look distorted?

Once upon a time I kept red wag platies, and had two that started with a lumpy looking head, that made them look sort of hump backed...unfortunately I never found out the cause, and with in a few weeks lost both fish, but never any other inhabitants. I wish you luck though.
Its not clear, nor is it white... well now that i look again it almost looks white but under the scales. 
The bump is pushing under the skin and causing the scales to be expanded outward. 
Here are more pics
hmmm I am not 100% sure, it could be some sort of cyst/ulcer under the skin which could be bacterial, or it is a tumour. Your best course of action would be a course of an antibacterial med and see if it goes down again.
Sorry not much help.

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